On 27/03/17 10:06, Joshua Otto wrote:
> In the context of the live migration algorithm, the precopy iteration
> count refers to the number of page-copying iterations performed prior to
> the suspension of the guest and transmission of the final set of dirty
> pages.  Similarly, the precopy dirty threshold refers to the dirty page
> count below which we judge it more profitable to proceed to
> stop-and-copy rather than continue with the precopy.  These would be
> helpful tuning parameters to work with when migrating particularly busy
> guests, as they enable an administrator to reap the available benefits
> of the precopy algorithm (the transmission of guest pages _not_ in the
> writable working set can be completed without guest downtime) while
> reducing the total amount of time required for the migration (as
> iterations of the precopy loop that will certainly be redundant can be
> skipped in favour of an earlier suspension).
> To expose these tuning parameters to users:
> - introduce a new libxl API function, libxl_domain_live_migrate(),
>   taking the same parameters as libxl_domain_suspend() _and_
>   precopy_iterations and precopy_dirty_threshold parameters, and
>   consider these parameters in the precopy policy
>   (though a pair of new parameters on their own might not warrant an
>   entirely new API function, it is added in anticipation of a number of
>   additional migration-only parameters that would be cumbersome on the
>   whole to tack on to the existing suspend API)
> - switch xl migrate to the new libxl_domain_live_migrate() and add new
>   --postcopy-iterations and --postcopy-threshold parameters to pass
>   through
> Signed-off-by: Joshua Otto <jto...@uwaterloo.ca>

This will have to defer to the tools maintainers, but I purposefully
didn't expose these knobs to users when rewriting live migration,
because they cannot be meaningfully chosen by anyone outside of a
testing scenario.  (That is not to say they aren't useful for testing
purposes, but I didn't upstream my version of this patch.)

I spent quite a while wondering how best to expose these tunables in a
way that end users could sensibly use them, and the best I came up with
was this:

First, run the guest under logdirty for a period of time to establish
the working set, and how steady it is.  From this, you have a baseline
for the target threshold, and a plausible way of estimating the
downtime.  (Better yet, as XenCenter, XenServers windows GUI, has proved
time and time again, users love graphs!  Even if they don't necessarily
understand them.)

From this baseline, the conditions you need to care about are the rate
of convergence.  On a steady VM, you should converge asymptotically to
the measured threshold, although on 5 or fewer iterations, the
asymptotic properties don't appear cleanly.  (Of course, the larger the
VM, the more iterations, and the more likely to spot this.)

Users will either care about the migration completing successfully, or
avoiding interrupting the workload.  The majority case would be both,
but every user will have one of these two options which is more
important than the other.  As a result, there need to be some options to
cover "if $X happens, do I continue or abort".

The case where the VM becomes more busy is harder however.  For the
users which care about not interrupting the workload, there will be a
point above which they'd prefer to abort the migration rather than
continue it.  For the users which want the migration to complete, they'd
prefer to pause the VM and take a downtime hit, rather than aborting.

Therefore, you really need two thresholds; the one above which you
always abort, the one where you would normally choose to pause.  The
decision as to what to do depends on where you are between these
thresholds when the dirty state converges.  (Of course, if the VM
suddenly becomes more idle, it is sensible to continue beyond the lower
threshold, as it will reduce the downtime.)  The absolute number of
iterations on the other hand doesn't actually matter from a users point
of view, so isn't a useful control to have.

Another thing to be careful with is the measure of convergence with
respect to guest busyness, and other factors influencing the absolute
iteration time, such as congestion of the network between the two
hosts.  I haven't yet come up with a sensible way of reconciling this
with the above, in a way which can be expressed as a useful set of controls.

The plan, following migration v2, was always to come back to this and
see about doing something better than the current hard coded parameters,
but I am still working on fixing migration in other areas (not having
VMs crash when moving, because they observe important differences in the

How does your postcopy proposal influence/change the above logic?


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