Two tests: cirros-separate-kernel-pv and cirros-qemu-hvm are replicating
the functionality of bussybox-pv and bussybox-hvm respectivelly.
The other tests are testing pv, hvm and pvhvm vms with pygrub, pvgrub
and stubdom configs.

Géza Gémes (10):
  Fix lopartsetup parsing of fdisk output
  Introduce cirros tests
  Introduce cirros-separate-kernel-pv test
  Introduce cirros-pygrub-pv test
  Introduce cirros-pvgrub2-pv test
  Introduce cirros-qemu-hvm test
  Introduce cirros-minios-stubdom-hvm test
  Introduce cirros-qemu-pvhvm test
  Introduce cirros-minios-stubdom-pvhvm test
  Enable cirros tests in the default config

 configs/config-cirros             |  44 ++++++++++++++++
 defconfig                         |   4 +-
 lib/               | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 scripts/lopartsetup               |   6 ++-
 tests/cirros-minios-stubdom-hvm   |  29 +++++++++++
 tests/cirros-minios-stubdom-pvhvm |  30 +++++++++++
 tests/cirros-pvgrub2-pv           |  27 ++++++++++
 tests/cirros-pygrub-pv            |  27 ++++++++++
 tests/cirros-qemu-hvm             |  28 +++++++++++
 tests/cirros-qemu-pvhvm           |  29 +++++++++++
 tests/cirros-separate-kernel-pv   |  28 +++++++++++
 tests/series                      |   7 +++
 12 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 configs/config-cirros
 create mode 100644 tests/cirros-minios-stubdom-hvm
 create mode 100644 tests/cirros-minios-stubdom-pvhvm
 create mode 100644 tests/cirros-pvgrub2-pv
 create mode 100644 tests/cirros-pygrub-pv
 create mode 100644 tests/cirros-qemu-hvm
 create mode 100644 tests/cirros-qemu-pvhvm
 create mode 100644 tests/cirros-separate-kernel-pv


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