Sync the ring.h file with upstream Xen, to introduce the new ring macros.
They will be used by the Xen transport for 9pfs.

Signed-off-by: Stefano Stabellini <>

NB: The new macros have not been committed to Xen yet. Do not apply this
patch until they do.
 include/xen/interface/io/ring.h | 131 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 131 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/xen/interface/io/ring.h b/include/xen/interface/io/ring.h
index 21f4fbd..500e68d 100644
--- a/include/xen/interface/io/ring.h
+++ b/include/xen/interface/io/ring.h
@@ -283,4 +283,135 @@ struct __name##_back_ring {                               
     (_work_to_do) = RING_HAS_UNCONSUMED_RESPONSES(_r);                 \
 } while (0)
+ * DEFINE_XEN_FLEX_RING_AND_INTF defines two monodirectional rings and
+ * functions to check if there is data on the ring, and to read and
+ * write to them.
+ *
+ * does not define the indexes page. As different protocols can have
+ * extensions to the basic format, this macro allow them to define their
+ * own struct.
+ *
+ *   Convenience macro to calculate the size of one of the two rings
+ *   from the overall order.
+ *
+ * $NAME_mask
+ *   Function to apply the size mask to an index, to reduce the index
+ *   within the range [0-size].
+ *
+ * $NAME_read_packet
+ *   Function to read data from the ring. The amount of data to read is
+ *   specified by the "size" argument.
+ *
+ * $NAME_write_packet
+ *   Function to write data to the ring. The amount of data to write is
+ *   specified by the "size" argument.
+ *
+ * $NAME_get_ring_ptr
+ *   Convenience function that returns a pointer to read/write to the
+ *   ring at the right location.
+ *
+ * $NAME_data_intf
+ *   Indexes page, shared between frontend and backend. It also
+ *   contains the array of grant refs.
+ *
+ * $NAME_queued
+ *   Function to calculate how many bytes are currently on the ring,
+ *   ready to be read. It can also be used to calculate how much free
+ *   space is currently on the ring (ring_size - $NAME_queued()).
+ */
+#define XEN_FLEX_RING_SIZE(order)                                             \
+    (1UL << (order + XEN_PAGE_SHIFT - 1))
+#define DEFINE_XEN_FLEX_RING_AND_INTF(name)                                   \
+struct name##_data_intf {                                                     \
+    RING_IDX in_cons, in_prod;                                                \
+                                                                              \
+    uint8_t pad1[56];                                                         \
+                                                                              \
+    RING_IDX out_cons, out_prod;                                              \
+                                                                              \
+    uint8_t pad2[56];                                                         \
+                                                                              \
+    RING_IDX ring_order;                                                      \
+    grant_ref_t ref[];                                                        \
+};                                                                            \
+#define DEFINE_XEN_FLEX_RING(name)                                            \
+static inline RING_IDX name##_mask(RING_IDX idx, RING_IDX ring_size)          \
+{                                                                             \
+    return (idx & (ring_size - 1));                                           \
+}                                                                             \
+                                                                              \
+static inline RING_IDX name##_mask_order(RING_IDX idx, RING_IDX ring_order)   \
+{                                                                             \
+    return (idx & (XEN_FLEX_RING_SIZE(ring_order) - 1));                      \
+}                                                                             \
+                                                                              \
+static inline unsigned char* name##_get_ring_ptr(unsigned char *buf,          \
+                                                 RING_IDX idx,                \
+                                                 RING_IDX ring_order)         \
+{                                                                             \
+    return buf + name##_mask_order(idx, ring_order);                          \
+}                                                                             \
+                                                                              \
+static inline void name##_read_packet(const unsigned char *buf,               \
+        RING_IDX masked_prod, RING_IDX *masked_cons,                          \
+        RING_IDX ring_size, void *opaque, size_t size) {                      \
+    if (*masked_cons < masked_prod ||                                         \
+            size <= ring_size - *masked_cons) {                               \
+        memcpy(opaque, buf + *masked_cons, size);                             \
+    } else {                                                                  \
+        memcpy(opaque, buf + *masked_cons, ring_size - *masked_cons);         \
+        memcpy((unsigned char *)opaque + ring_size - *masked_cons, buf,       \
+                size - (ring_size - *masked_cons));                           \
+    }                                                                         \
+    *masked_cons = name##_mask(*masked_cons + size, ring_size);               \
+}                                                                             \
+                                                                              \
+static inline void name##_write_packet(unsigned char *buf,                    \
+        RING_IDX *masked_prod, RING_IDX masked_cons,                          \
+        RING_IDX ring_size, const void *opaque, size_t size) {                \
+    if (*masked_prod < masked_cons ||                                         \
+        size <= ring_size - *masked_prod) {                                   \
+        memcpy(buf + *masked_prod, opaque, size);                             \
+    } else {                                                                  \
+        memcpy(buf + *masked_prod, opaque, ring_size - *masked_prod);         \
+        memcpy(buf, (unsigned char *)opaque + (ring_size - *masked_prod),     \
+                size - (ring_size - *masked_prod));                           \
+    }                                                                         \
+    *masked_prod = name##_mask(*masked_prod + size, ring_size);               \
+}                                                                             \
+                                                                              \
+struct name##_data {                                                          \
+    unsigned char *in; /* half of the allocation */                           \
+    unsigned char *out; /* half of the allocation */                          \
+};                                                                            \
+                                                                              \
+                                                                              \
+static inline RING_IDX name##_queued(RING_IDX prod,                           \
+        RING_IDX cons, RING_IDX ring_size)                                    \
+{                                                                             \
+    RING_IDX size;                                                            \
+                                                                              \
+    if (prod == cons)                                                         \
+        return 0;                                                             \
+                                                                              \
+    prod = name##_mask(prod, ring_size);                                      \
+    cons = name##_mask(cons, ring_size);                                      \
+                                                                              \
+    if (prod == cons)                                                         \
+        return ring_size;                                                     \
+                                                                              \
+    if (prod > cons)                                                          \
+        size = prod - cons;                                                   \
+    else                                                                      \
+        size = ring_size - (cons - prod);                                     \
+    return size;                                                              \
 #endif /* __XEN_PUBLIC_IO_RING_H__ */

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