Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 10:35:36 AM, you wrote:

>>>> On 10.02.15 at 10:19, <li...@eikelenboom.it> wrote:
>>> Coming back to the /proc/interrupts output you posted earlier:
>>> /proc/interrupts shows the high count:
>>>            CPU0       CPU1       CPU2       CPU3
>>>   8:          0          0          0          0  xen-pirq-ioapic-edge  rtc0
>>>   9:          1          0          0          0  xen-pirq-ioapic-level  
>>> acpi
>>>  16:         29          0          0          0  xen-pirq-ioapic-level  
>>> ehci_hcd:usb3
>>>  18:     200000          0          0          0  xen-pirq-ioapic-level  
>>> ata_generic
>>> I would have thought that xen-pciback would install an interrupt
>>> handler here too when a device using IRQ 18 gets handed to a
>>> guest. May there be something broken in xen_pcibk_control_isr()?
>> It seems to only do that for PV guests, not for HVM.

> Interesting; no idea why that would be.

Hi Jan,

Coming back to this part .. with some additional debugging on HVM guest start i 
[   84.362097] pciback 0000:02:00.0: resetting (FLR, D3,  bus) the device
[   84.422884] pciback 0000:02:00.0: xen_pcibk_reset_device: me here
[   84.452639] pciback 0000:02:00.0: xen_pcibk_control_isr: return !enable && 
!dev_data->isr_on enable:0 dev_data->isr_on:0
[   85.636725] pciback 0000:00:19.0: resetting (FLR, D3,  ) the device
[   85.774845] pciback 0000:00:19.0: xen_pcibk_reset_device: me here
[   85.810857] pciback 0000:00:19.0: xen_pcibk_control_isr: return !enable && 
!dev_data->isr_on enable:0 dev_data->isr_on:0
[   85.865075] xen_pciback: vpci: 0000:02:00.0: assign to virtual slot 0
[   85.886926] pciback 0000:02:00.0: registering for 1
[   85.907936] xen_pciback: vpci: 0000:00:19.0: assign to virtual slot 1
[   85.929490] pciback 0000:00:19.0: registering for 1
So it bails out on:
        /* Asked to disable, but ISR isn't runnig */
        if (!enable && !dev_data->isr_on){
                dev_warn(&dev->dev, "%s: return !enable && !dev_data->isr_on 
enable:%d dev_data->isr_on:%d\n", __func__, enable, dev_data->isr_on ? 1 : 0);


>> Don't know how it wil go now after the bios update,
>> lspci lists the SMBUS is also using irq 18 now, but it doesn't register
>> a driver (according to lspci -k) and it doesn't appear in dom0's 
>> /proc/interrupts.

> With that I don't think you're going to have problems, as the IRQ
> then is masked.

>> How are things supposed to work with a machine with:
>> - a shared irq
>> - iommu + interrupt remapping enabled
>> - HVM guests

> Konrad?

>> Would dom0 always see the legacy irq or is Xen or the iommu routing it 
>> directly to 
>> the guest ?

> A shared IRQ can't be routed directly, as all involved domains need
> to see it.

>> And what would i suppose to see when using Xen's debug key 'i', should there 
>> be an entry routing it to both guests ?

> Yes, if both have a driver using it.

>>. if you know some better way to figure out where the irq storm is 
>> coming from or headed to .. i'm all ears (or eyes) ..

> I suppose that's because there's no handler installed by pciback, yet
> IRQs generated by the passed through device also arrive in Dom0,
> and the driver for the device left in Dom0 doesn't claim the interrupts.

> Jan

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