Wei Liu writes ("[PATCH OSSTEST v5 9/9] mfi-common, make-flight: create XSM 
test jobs"):
> Duplicate Debian PV and HVM test jobs for XSM testing.
>  do_hvm_debian_tests() {
> +  test_xsm=$(xenbranch_xsm_variants)

This variable needs to have a different name, with a plural init.
"xsm_variants" perhaps ?  Or "xsms" ?  Ideally the loop control
variable in the loops would be the singular form of the samename.

> @@ -299,19 +308,26 @@ do_passthrough_tests () {
>  }
>  do_pv_debian_tests () {
> -  # Basic PV Linux test with xl
> -  for platform in '' `getplatforms $xenarch` ; do

This part is quite hard to review.  Can you perhaps provide a `git
diff -b' ?

Also, I think it could do with some adjustment of the column of the \s
so that it doesn't get wrap damage when quoted.

I think we're going to be relying on the runvars diff in your 0/9 for
properly checking that this all DTRT.


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