On 3 February 2015 at 11:55, Laszlo Ersek <ler...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 02/03/15 12:45, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
>> comments below
>> On 01/26/15 20:03, Ard Biesheuvel wrote:
>>> +XenIoMmioInstall (
>>> +  IN  EFI_HANDLE  *Handle,
>>> +  IN  UINT64      GrantTableAddress
>>> +  )
>>> +{
>>> +  EFI_STATUS                     Status;
>>> +  XENIO_PROTOCOL                 *XenIo;
>>> +  XENBUS_ROOT_DEVICE_PATH        *XenBusDevicePath;
>>> +
>>> +  ASSERT (Handle != NULL);
>> (4) This is wrong. (I'm not sure how you are using the library in the
>> following patches, but this in itself does look wrong.)
> Heh, I tricked myself. This ASSERT() is valid. I missed you weren't
> saying *Handle.

Right. You confused me there for a second.

> However, I believe the following remains valid from my point (4):
>> (Note that the uninstall functions can't null the Handle parameter in
>> that case -- which means that you should save a copy of the incoming
>> handle, and restore it at the end when something fails. If it was
>> non-NULL initially, nothing will change, but if it was NULL initially,
>> you have to reset it to NULL.)

OK, got it

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