On Sun, 1 Feb 2015, Dave Scott wrote:
> Hi,
> Mirage now has nice features like TLS[1] and therefore needs a good source of 
> randomness to generate session keys. Mirage VMs are PV, so we can’t use 
> virtio-rng. We've created a prototype entropy server which may be of interest 
> to other people too:
> https://github.com/mirage/xentropyd
> This behaves a bit like xenconsoled: it watches for domains being created and 
> then connects to them via the console protocol. There is a little 
> handshake[2] (to catch accidental screwups with the wrong console) and then 
> the daemon feeds random data into the console through a rate-limiter. 
> Mirage’s entropy driver can read the data from the console fairly easily[3]. 
> I assume we could write a similar thing for linux too.
> What do you think? (And does anyone know a better way (TM)?)

I think it would be very useful in Linux too.

> The code is still a bit of a prototype, and contains slightly forked versions 
> of core Mirage libraries-- I need to sort that out before a 1.0.
> Cheers,
> Dave
> [1] http://openmirage.org/blog/introducing-ocaml-tls
> [2] https://github.com/mirage/xentropyd/blob/master/doc/protocol.md
> [3] 
> https://github.com/djs55/mirage-entropy/blob/981b070d78ae407015b1e8dedb3141b05454366f/xen/entropy_xen.ml#L130
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