On 26 Jan 2015, at 18:49, Thomas Leonard <tal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 26 January 2015 at 17:56, Anil Madhavapeddy <a...@recoil.org> wrote:
>> On 26 Jan 2015, at 17:42, Martin Lucina <mar...@lucina.net> wrote:
>>> tal...@gmail.com said:
>>>> In case it's useful: for the standalone version of Mini-OS used by
>>>> Mirage, I had to include these directories too:
>>>> 1. xen/include/public
>>>> 2. xen/common/libfdt
>>>> 3. xen/include/xen/libfdt
>>>> 4. config
>>>> ( https://github.com/talex5/xen/tree/minios-releases )
>>> Ah, so that's where the Mirage fork of Mini-OS lives. I knew there was one,
>>> but not where. Any other forks please speak up :-)
>>> Which parts of Mini-OS does Mirage actually use? I know you have an OCaml
>>> implementation of netfront, for instance.
>> Not very much of Mini-OS -- Mirage has everything from the ring protocol
>> up (XenStore, NetBack/Front, BlkBack/Front, Console, etc are all in OCaml).
>> So event channels and start of day boot, mainly.
>> It is useful to have the C XenBus around for start-of-day logging though,
>> since the emergency console isn't much use on public cloud services.
> Actually, we don't use C XenBus either. The Mirage start_kernel is:

Sorry, I meant the C ring macros for the start-of-day logging.  We write
directly to the console using them from the C printk, whereas the Mirage
libraries use an OCaml reimplementation in the shared-memory-ring OPAM
package.  XenBus and the C coop thread library in MiniOS isn't used in Mirage.

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