Hi all
I`m trying to track code execution with page granularity by setting the access
rights in the EPT to not executable on Xen 4.4.1.
The idea is as follows:
According to the intel manual "A reference using a guest-physical address
whose translation encounters an EPT paging-structure that is not present causes
an EPT violation."
So whenever a nonexisting memory page gets requested an EPT violation is caused
(and handled by ept_handle_violation). Extending the EXIT_REASON_EPT_VIOLATION
I should be able to set the access rights for every new page to access_rw(By
using the p2m->get_entry and p2m-> set_entry functions right after the
violation was handled), leading to a new EPT violation every time an
instruction is fetched from this page.
There are several problems with my approach so far:
* I get to few unique GFN (derived from the gpa by PAGE_SHIFT in the
EPT violations when booting a WinXP guest. I get about 250 EPT_VIOLATIONS with
unique GFNs when booting the guest OS and none when starting new programs in
the guest. So something seems to be wrong there. Also I read the access rights
of the pages back after setting them. Most of the time the initial access
rights are access_n before and the same after I tried setting them to access_rw
(this happens when the type is p2m_mmio_dm, when the type is p2m_ram_rw the
setting works temporarily).
* I never get an EPT violation with the EPT_EXEC_VIOLATION flag set in
the exit qualifications even for the pages where the setting of the access
rights did succeed.
* Later when checking the access rights (I simply save the GFNs in an
array and use p2m->get_entry in an own call to domctl.c from xl) of the GFNs
they all have access right access_n and type p2m_mmio_dm , even for the pages
where the setting of the access rights did succeed or the type was different
This all tells me that there is something fundamentally wrong with my approach
so far, leading me to the following questions:
1. Every time a new page in memory is allocated by the guest I get an
a. If this is the case then why don't I get new violations after windows
has finished booting?
2. What is the difference between types p2m_mmio_dm and p2m_ram_rw? (got
a feeling that part of the problem lies here)
3. Are the p2m->get_entry/p2m->set_entry functions the right tools for
this purpose?
a. If they are, then why do they sometimes fail?
4. To get the domain I use struct vcpu *curr = current; and struct
p2m_domain *p2m = p2m_get_hostp2m(curr->domain); before using the
get/set_entry-functions. Do I get confused with wrong domains or something like
5. Because I just set the access rights to rw every time
EXIT_REASON_EPT_VIOLATION is called the whole domain should freeze/crash as
soon as the first page tries to execute an instruction, right? It doesn't
because I get no execution attempts on the pages I set the access_rw, but why
don't I get an execution attempt?
I hope it got clear what I try to achieve.
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