Ian Campbell writes ("Re: [PATCH OSSTEST v2 08/18] Toolstack: Refactor guest 
> On Tue, 2014-12-02 at 16:04 +0000, Ian Campbell wrote:
> > +sub create ($$) {
> > +    my ($self,$cfg) = @_;
> > +    my $ho = $self->{Host};
> > +    my $lcfg = $cfg;
> > +    $lcfg =~ s,/,-,g;
> > +    $lcfg = "$ho->{Name}--$lcfg";
> > +    target_cmd_root($ho, "virsh domxml-from-native xen-xm $cfg > 
> > $cfg.xml", 30);
> Given that Jim is in the process of introducing support for "xen-xl" cfg
> file consumption I intend to make this xen-xl unconditionally.
> Testing older versions of libvirt (which don't speak xen-xl) will
> therefore continue to fail at the guest-start test step, as they do
> today, and hence it will not appears as a regression.
> Testing newer versions of libvirt will pass as expected

That sounds good, thanks.


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