On 01/12/2015 09:43 AM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Ed White writes ("Re: [PATCH 00/11] Alternate p2m: support multiple copies of 
> host p2m"):
>> On 01/12/2015 04:17 AM, Ian Jackson wrote:
>>> Are there tools parts to come later ?
>> I copied you because get_maintainer picked you. There is scope for tools
>> parts, but I don't have the relevant subject knowledge to add them.
> I see.  Without tools parts, how is this new functionality to be
> exercised ?  I guess I'm missing part (or maybe most) of the picture.
> (I wonder why get_maintainer picked me.  I may investigate.)

The hypercalls are all there. My testing is all done in a Windows
domU with the tests running inside that domain, so I couldn't use
tools support even if I had it.


> Ian.

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