High all,

I am in the process of cleaning up the 4.5 documentation. One of the pages that 
needs verification is
* http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/XL_vs_Xend_Feature_Comparison

As we are removing XM, I would assume that the only discrepancies between XM 
and XL should be those that were intended. However looking at 
http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/XL_vs_Xend_Feature_Comparison, it is not clear 
which discrepancies are intended and which are not. If they are not intended, 
we should list workarounds with bugs tracking the issue, such that it does get 

Here is functionality that is in XM, but not in XL. Please pete me know whether 
this is intended, maybe give an explanation. If not intended, we ought to 
address the discrepancy, as we would leave existing users that use such a 
feature out in the cold.

* Sharing storage across DomU's via w! in virtual machines configuration files 
- assuming this is by design?
* SCSI LUN/Host passthrough (PVSCSI)
* USB 1.1 device passthrough via hotplug (using qemu xen traditional)
* USB 1.1 device passthrough via hotplug (using upstream qemu)
* USB 2.0 device passthrough (PVUSB)


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