Monday, December 15, will be our last Document Day of the year.

Given the 4.5 RC4 Testing scheduled for Wednesday of next week and the holidays
which occur later in the month, we have scheduled Document Day for Monday.

This is a great time to get our documentation ready for the new
release.  Have you
added a new feature in this release?  Make sure it is in the Wiki.
Have you noticed
pages which might be confusing for a new installation?  Now is a great
time to clean
it up.  Have you information on better integrating Xen Project with
other projects?
Share that information with others.

All the information you need to participate in Document Day is here:

If you get a few moments before Monday, please take a look at the
current TODO list to see other items which need attention:

Please think about how you can help out.  If you haven't requested
to be made a Wiki editor, save time and do it now so you are ready to
go on Document Day.  Just fill out the form below:

We hope to see you Monday in #xendocs!

Xen-devel mailing list

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