> On Fri, Dec 05, 2014 at 03:20:55PM +0000, Zoltan Kiss wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 04/12/14 14:31, Zhangleiqiang (Trump) wrote:
> > >>-----Original Message-----
> > >>From: Zoltan Kiss [mailto:zoltan.k...@linaro.org]
> > >>Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 9:35 PM
> > >>To: Zhangleiqiang (Trump); Wei Liu; xen-devel@lists.xen.org
> > >>Cc: Xiaoding (B); Zhuangyuxin; zhangleiqiang; Luohao (brian); Yuzhou
> > >>(C)
> > >>Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Poor network performance between DomU with
> > >>multiqueue support
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>On 04/12/14 12:09, Zhangleiqiang (Trump) wrote:
> > >>>>I think that's expected, because guest RX data path still uses
> > >>>>grant_copy while
> > >>>>>guest TX uses grant_map to do zero-copy transmit.
> > >>>As I understand, the RX process is as follows:
> > >>>1. Phy NIC receive packet
> > >>>2. XEN Hypervisor trigger interrupt to Dom0 3. Dom0' s NIC driver
> > >>>do the "RX" operation, and the packet is stored into SKB which is
> > >>>also owned/shared with netback
> > >>Not that easy. There is something between the NIC driver and netback
> > >>which directs the packets, e.g. the old bridge driver, ovs, or the IP 
> > >>stack of
> the kernel.
> > >>>4. NetBack notify netfront through event channel that a packet is
> > >>>receiving 5. Netfront grant a buffer for receiving and notify
> > >>>netback the GR (if using grant-resue mechanism, netfront just
> > >>>notify the GR to
> > >>>netback) through IO Ring
> > >>It looks a bit confusing in the code, but netfront put "requests" on
> > >>the ring buffer, which contains the grant ref of the guest page
> > >>where the backend can copy. When the packet comes, netback consumes
> > >>these requests and send back a response telling the guest the grant
> > >>copy of the packet finished, it can start handling the data.
> > >>(sending a response means it's placing a response in the ring and
> > >>trigger the event channel) And ideally netback should always have requests
> in the ring, so it doesn't have to wait for the guest to fill it up.
> > >
> > >>>6. NetBack do the grant_copy to copy packet from its SKB to the
> > >>>buffer referenced by GR, and notify netfront through event channel 7.
> > >>>Netfront copy the data from buffer to user-level app's SKB
> > >>Or wherever that SKB should go, yes. Like with any received packet
> > >>on a real network interface.
> > >>>
> > >>>Am I right? Why not using zero-copy transmit in guest RX data pash too ?
> > >>Because that means you are mapping that memory to the guest, and you
> > >>won't have any guarantee when the guest will release them. And
> > >>netback can't just unmap them forcibly after a timeout, because
> > >>finding a correct timeout value would be quite impossible.
> > >>A malicious/buggy/overloaded guest can hold on to Dom0 memory
> > >>indefinitely, but it even becomes worse if the memory came from
> > >>another
> > >>guest: you can't shutdown that guest for example, until all its
> > >>memory is returned to him.
> > >
> > >Thanks for your detailed explanation about RX data path, I have get
> > >it, :)
> > >
> > >About the issue that poor performance between DomU to DomU, but high
> throughout between Dom0 to remote Dom0/DomU mentioned in my previous
> mail, do you have any idea about it?
> > >
> > >I am wondering if netfront/netback can be optimized to reach the 10Gbps
> throughout between DomUs running on different hosts connected with 10GE
> network. Currently, it seems like the TX is not the bottleneck, because we can
> reach the aggregate throughout of 9Gbps when sending packets from one
> DomU to other 3 DomUs running on different host. So I think the bottleneck
> maybe the RX, are you agreed with me?
> > >
> > >I am wondering what is the main reason that prevent RX to reach the higher
> throughout? Compared to KVM+virtio+vhost, which can reach high throughout,
> the RX has extra grantcopy operation, and the grantcopy operation may be one
> reason for it. Do you have any idea about it too?
> > It's quite sure that the grant copy is the bottleneck for a single
> > queue RX traffic. I don't know what's the plan to help that, currently
> > only a faster CPU can help you with that.
> Could the Intel QuickData help with that?

Thanks for your hit. 
I am looking for method which is independent on hardware. Because I have seen 
that virtio can reach the 10Gbps throughout, and I think PV network protocol 
which is the mainline of XEN should also reach the throughout. However, the 
testing results show that it is not ideal, so I am wondering what the possible 
reason is and if PV network protocol can be optimized.

> >
> > >
> > >>
> > >>Regards,
> > >>
> > >>Zoli
> >
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> > Xen-devel mailing list
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