On 26/11/14 18:41, Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 06:24:11PM +0000, Dave Scott wrote:
>>> On 26 Nov 2014, at 15:38, Zheng Li <d...@zheng.li> wrote:
>>> On 26/11/2014 15:09, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>>>> This makes fields 0 and 1 true more often than they should be, resulting
>>>> problems when handling events.
>>> Indeed, looks like a mistake I made when rewriting the logic terms lately. 
>>> The result is POLLUP or POLLERR events being returned in more categories 
>>> than we'd interest. Thanks for fixing this!
>>> Acked-by: Zheng Li <d...@zheng.li>
>> This also looks fine to me
>> Acked-by: David Scott <dave.sc...@citrix.com>
> Would it be possible to get an Reviewed-by please?

Strictly speaking Zheng, not being a maintainer, can't ack the patch,
given what I believe to be Xens current rules for these things. 
However, as the author of the code and comment in this thread, his ack
can reasonably be considered equivalent to a  Reviewed-by:  I guess this
is just a matter of semantics.

Furthermore, as we all share an office, I have already been through this
process informally, and have confirmed the fix under my Xen-4.5 based
XenServer branch.  There appear to be 100% less "error -EINVAL" messages
in the logs.


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