Lars Kurth writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] Security policy ambiguities - XSA-108 
process post-mortem"):
> I do have one question. What led us to publish an XSA number on 
> in the way we do now? As far as I can tell, 
> CVE numbers are not published normally and we don't publish them 
> until after the embargo due to CVE rules.

We used to publish CVEs in advance but MITRE asked us to stop doing

We publish the XSA numbers because the purpose of the secrecy is to
prevent vulnerabilities being exploited.  The purpose of the secrecy
is not the convenience of the Security Team.  Everything that does not
need to be secret for that real purpose should be public.

Keeping secret the existence of an XSA number, and its embargo date,
would not improve the security of systems running Xen.  So we should
not do that.

Making the embargo end date public is very useful for people who are
_not_ on the predisclosure list, because it means that they can plan
their response.  (And it wouldn't make much sense to publish embargo
end date(s) without XSA numbers.)

> I am wondering what community members view on publish XSA 
> numbers post embargo only? Of course this would impact what
> can be disclosed pre-embargo.

Another impact of keeping things totally secret in the way you suggest
is that service providers would no longer be able to give honest
reasons for maintenance activity.


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