> > Following is the high-level description from the Git commit:
> Can you also post an example of the usage of your CLI tool?  Actually, 
> can you post a rough description of the entire process that a user would 
> have to follow, i.e. compile, configure, run.

Running "xr" with no parameters gives a nice command reference :-)


Simple hello world using tests/hello/hello built as part of buildxen.sh:

 # xr run -i tests/hello/hello

Running a webserver:

Get mathopd source from http://mathopd.org/. I used mathopd as it's BSD
licensed, non-forking and small. To build and run it:

1. git clone, buildxen.sh

2. Put app-tools at the *END* of your $PATH. There is a bug/interaction
with the app-tools ld that breaks things if you put it before the real ld.

3. (in mathopd/src) rumpapp-xen-make

4. You need filesystem images for a stub /etc and /data. I am using cd9660
for these as you can portably generate that anywhere you have genisoimage
(ex mkisofs). (see below)

5. Assuming you have those, run the following in the mathopd src directory,
as root:

 # xr run -i -n inet:dhcp -b etc.iso:/etc -b data.iso:/data mathopd -nt -f 

This will configure xenif0 using dhcp/ipv4, mount /etc and /data using the
respective images and then run "mathopd -nt -f /etc/mathopd.conf". The
mathopd options tell it not to fork into the background and to write logs
to standard output.

That's all :-)

Next step for me is to add a copy of mathopd as a demo into rumprun-xen.
As part of that demo I will add scripts to rebuild the filesystem images,
but probably not do that in the default build so as not to introduce a hard
dependency on genisoimage.

I then plan to experiment getting a full LAMP stack or similar running
across multiple VMs but I need to stabilise the simple case with mathopd
serving a static website first, there are still several bugs lurking there.

> >   - The rumpconfig module provides _rumprun_config() and
> >     _rumprun_deconfig() functions. These are called before and after the
> >     application main() function, and also in the case of deconfig when
> >     _exit() is called.
> Is deconfig necessary?  The rump kernel already automatically e.g. 
> unmounts file systems and releases the dhcp lease when it's halted.

It does unmount filesystems (if halted correctly) but afaict it does not do
rump_pub_etfs_remove() and the dhcp stuff does not destroy the interface.
This is nitpicking, but if you don't do that then the underlying
blkfront/netfront does not get "correctly" detached either as you can see
from "port X still bound!" messages during minios_stop_kernel().

> >      Secondly, it is my intention with this work to provide a
> >      "docker-alike" interface for running rumprun applications. The "xr"
> >      script is therefore the CLI for running such applications.
> The user-facing configuration tool was sorely needed.  I hate to go into 
> naming, but ... can we call the tool "rumprun"?  I think your tool will 
> be the basis for running rumprun stacks beyond Xen, and we should try to 
> avoid the user-visible syntax having any obvious shortcomings.

Guess so. In my mind there is potentially more the tool can do than just
run rumprun stacks, for example:

 - manage interaction with the host networking, map host ports to
 - generate or otherwise manage filesystem images (eg we could have a
   custom DNS server)
 - manage stack naming on the host, this is a bit daft at the moment, eg.
   if you try to run two copies of mathopd it will fall over due to the Xen
   domain name not being unique

And so on. Maybe this can be layered into separate tools with the 'rumprun'
script dealing only with launching. Needs more thought.

> > Note that in this initial version, only configuring IPv4 network
> > interfaces with DHCP is supported, and only using image files with ffs
> > or cd9660 filesystems for block devices is supported.
> Would e.g. IPv6 support take longer than it took to write that paragraph ?-)

<taptaptap> ;)


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