On 2014/11/7 19:08, Jan Beulich wrote:
On 07.11.14 at 11:27, <tiejun.c...@intel.com> wrote:
Are you saying Xen restrict some BDFs specific to emulate some devices?
But I don't see these associated codes.

I didn't say so. All I said that some of the SBDFs are being used by

--- a/xen/include/xen/iommu.h
+++ b/xen/include/xen/iommu.h
@@ -158,14 +158,14 @@ struct iommu_ops {
        void (*crash_shutdown)(void);
        void (*iotlb_flush)(struct domain *d, unsigned long gfn, unsigned int 
        void (*iotlb_flush_all)(struct domain *d);
-    int (*get_reserved_device_memory)(iommu_grdm_t *, void *);
+    int (*get_reserved_device_memory)(iommu_grdm_t *, struct domain *, void *);
        void (*dump_p2m_table)(struct domain *d);

    void iommu_suspend(void);
    void iommu_resume(void);
    void iommu_crash_shutdown(void);
-int iommu_get_reserved_device_memory(iommu_grdm_t *, void *);
+int iommu_get_reserved_device_memory(iommu_grdm_t *, struct domain *, void *);

I don't see why these generic interfaces would need to change;
the only thing that would seem to need changing is the callback
function (and of course the context passed to it).

I'm not 100% sure if we can call current->domain in all scenarios. If
you can help me confirm this I'd really like to remove this change :)
Now I assume this should be true as follows:

Which is wrong, and not what I said. Instead you should pass the
domain as part of the context that gets made available to the
callback function.

Okay I will try to go there.

--- a/xen/drivers/passthrough/pci.c
+++ b/xen/drivers/passthrough/pci.c
@@ -1540,6 +1540,34 @@ int iommu_do_pci_domctl(

+    case XEN_DOMCTL_set_rdm:
+    {
+        struct xen_domctl_set_rdm *xdsr = &domctl->u.set_rdm;
+        struct xen_guest_pcidev_info *pcidevs;
+        int i;
+        pcidevs = xmalloc_array(xen_guest_pcidev_info_t,
+                                domctl->u.set_rdm.num_pcidevs);
+        if ( pcidevs == NULL )
+        {
+            return -ENOMEM;
+        }
+        for ( i = 0; i < xdsr->num_pcidevs; ++i )
+        {
+            if ( __copy_from_guest_offset(pcidevs, xdsr->pcidevs, i, 1) )
+            {
+                xfree(pcidevs);
+                return -EFAULT;
+            }
+        }

I don't see the need for a loop here. And you definitely can't use the
double-underscore-prefixed variant the way you do.

Do you mean this line?

copy_from_guest_offset(pcidevs, xdsr->pcidevs, 0, xdsr->num_pcidevs*sizeof(xen_guest_pcidev_info_t))

--- a/xen/include/asm-x86/hvm/domain.h
+++ b/xen/include/asm-x86/hvm/domain.h
@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ struct hvm_domain {
       /* Cached CF8 for guest PCI config cycles */
       uint32_t                pci_cf8;

+    uint32_t                pci_rdmforce;

I still don't see why this is a uint32_t.

How about bool_t?

--- a/xen/include/public/domctl.h
+++ b/xen/include/public/domctl.h
@@ -484,6 +484,24 @@ struct xen_domctl_assign_device {
   typedef struct xen_domctl_assign_device xen_domctl_assign_device_t;

+struct xen_guest_pcidev_info {
+    uint8_t func;
+    uint8_t dev;
+    uint8_t bus;
+    int domain;
+    int rdmforce;

Please see struct physdev_pci_device_add for how to properly and
space efficiently express what you need. And of course I'd expect

Yes. Actually I ever considered this point but I just think we may need to keep a complete set of fields.

You're right and anywhere what we should do is focusing on on-demand.

the code to actually use all fields you specify here - neither domain
(which really ought to be named segment if it is what I think it is
meant to be) nor rdmforce are being used anywhere. Plus - again -
just "force" would be sufficient as a name, provided the field is
needed at all.

Okay I can use 'force' directly.

In Xen side we have 'bool_t', but we have 'bool' in tools side. So how to define this in xen/include/public/domctl.h?

+struct xen_domctl_set_rdm {
+    uint32_t  pci_rdmforce;

Same comment as on the field added to "struct hvm_domain".


+    uint32_t  num_pcidevs;
+    XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(xen_guest_pcidev_info_t) pcidevs;

Did you _at all_ look at any of the other domctls when adding this?
There's not a single use of XEN_GUEST_HANDLE() in the whole file.

Looks I should do this,

XEN_GUEST_HANDLE_64(xen_guest_pcidev_info_t) pcidevs;

@@ -1118,7 +1137,8 @@ struct xen_domctl {
           struct xen_domctl_gdbsx_domstatus   gdbsx_domstatus;
           struct xen_domctl_vnuma             vnuma;
           struct xen_domctl_psr_cmt_op        psr_cmt_op;
-        uint8_t                             pad[128];
+        struct xen_domctl_set_rdm           set_rdm;
+        uint8_t                             pad[112];

Why are you altering the padding size here?

As I understand we should shrink this pad when we introduce new filed, shouldn't we?


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