Matt Wilson writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] Security policy ambiguities - XSA-108 
process post-mortem"):
> On this point in particular, back in 2012 [1] I suggested that all
> membership requests should be discussed in public on a community email
> list like xen-devel, or another email list to avoid noise. The Xen
> Project Security Team shouldn't have to evaluate petitions for
> membership while managing an embargoed issue. I brought this up again
> in 2013 [2] regarding the Coverity process.

I agree that publishing applications, and the team's responses, would
be a jolly good idea.  I am 100% opposed, though, to any kind of
non-objective `community consensus' process.

Such a system would (a) be unworkable in practice, because no-one
really cares about this kind of tedious makework, and (b) at serious
risk of favouritism (or its opposite).

> This process works quite well for the distros email list, where
> requests for membership requests are discussion on oss-security (a
> public list). [...]

I don't want to criticise another community's process, but I strongly
feel that our arrangements should have broad eligibility based on
objective criteria.


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