On Mon, 2014-11-10 at 13:54 +0000, Wei Liu wrote:
> > Can we write a stub json file at the beginning of migrate receive, a bit
> > like we do on create?
> > 
> No, we don't generate stub for normal domain at the moment.

Oh, I thought we did.

SO what happens if someone runs "xl list" while a domain create is in

> Whether we should do it or not, it depends on whether we want libxl user
> to see incomplete (and certainly incorrect) domain configuration. I
> think not, because libxl user doesn't know how to distinguish stub
> (invalid) configuration from a valid one.
> > Otherwise code like xl list is going to have start special casing
> > domains which have no json, which we've tried hard to avoid I think.
> > 
> From xl's (and other tools on the same level) point of view, that means
> invocation of library function fails, which it should always be ready to
> cope with.

So your opinion is that the bug is the "libxl: error:
libxl.c:6535:libxl_retrieve_domain_configuration: fail to get domain
configuration for domain 7" message which should be removed?

I'd be happy enough with domain 7 being listed with an empty cfg in that


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