On 02/12/14 09:31, Fred wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Following the conversation on misc@ about Xorg[1] and some advice from 
> Mattieu [2] I've updated faq 11 to remove the reference to X -configure.
> Not sure if this is the best way of doing it.
> Cheers
> Fred

This is very incomplete... the "X -configure" is weaved through the
whole page.

I'm working on it (and I'm sure i'll miss a few things, too!), but what
we really need is a new "ok, my system didn't auto-configure, now what?"


> [1] http://marc.info/?t=139205611600001
> [2] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=134264338502946
> Diff attached and inline:
> --- faq11.html        Wed Feb 12 14:05:04 2014
> +++ faq11_x.html      Wed Feb 12 14:23:30 2014
> @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
>   <meta name="description" content="OpenBSD FAQ 11 - The X Window System">
>   <meta name="keywords" content="openbsd,faq11">
>   <meta name="distribution" content="global">
> -<meta name="copyright" content="This document copyright 1998-2013 by 
> OpenBSD.">
> +<meta name="copyright" content="This document copyright 1998-2014 by 
> OpenBSD.">
>   </head>
>   <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
> @@ -373,35 +373,15 @@ Much better, in fact.
>   This does mean we need to make our own xorg.conf file, however.
>   <p>
> -Let's use the "X -configure" process to generate a starting 
> <tt>xorg.conf</tt>
> -file.
> -You will need to do this as root:
> -<blockquote><pre>
> -# <b>X -configure</b>
> - [...]
> -Your xorg.conf file is /root/xorg.conf.new
> +So using your favorite text editor and
> +<a 
> href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=xorg.conf&amp;sektion=1";>xorg.conf(5)</a>
> +you can start crafting your
> +<a 
> href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=xorg.conf&amp;sektion=1";>xorg.conf(5)</a>
> + file.
> -To test the server, run 'X -config /root/xorg.conf.new'
> -</pre></blockquote>
> -
> -By the way, the message is serious -- use the entire path to your
> -<tt>xorg.conf.new</tt> file, even if it is sitting in your current
> -default directory.
> -Failing to do so will result in
> -<a 
> href="http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=X&amp;sektion=7";>X(7)</a>
> -not finding the file, and it will silently use the default
> -configuration, and if that had worked, you wouldn't be using this
> -process!
> -This can set back your troubleshooting quite a bit.
> -Trust us on this.
> -
>   <p>
> -Let's do as it says, and see what we get:
> -<blockquote><pre>
> -# <b>X -config /root/xorg.conf.new</b>
> -</pre></blockquote>
> -
> -Now, all we get is a black screen.
> +<a href="#StartingX">Restarting X</a>
> +, all we get is a black screen.
>   Things had started out so well...
>   <p>
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type text/x-patch which had a name of 
> faq11.diff]

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