CVSROOT:        /webcvs/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Richard M. Stallman <rms>       11/08/03 19:39:30

Modified files:
        gnu            : gnu-linux-faq.html 

Log message:
        Rename justlinux to linuxsyswithoutgnu, with some rewrites.
        Add a new entry for justlinux, new from scrsatch.


Index: gnu-linux-faq.html
RCS file: /webcvs/www/www/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html,v
retrieving revision 1.102
retrieving revision 1.103
diff -u -b -r1.102 -r1.103
--- gnu-linux-faq.html  13 Jul 2011 17:29:01 -0000      1.102
+++ gnu-linux-faq.html  3 Aug 2011 19:38:18 -0000       1.103
@@ -155,8 +155,10 @@
 <li><a href="#othersys" id="TOCothersys">If I install the GNU tools on
     Windows, does that mean I am running a GNU/Windows system?</a></li>
-<li><a href="#justlinux" id="TOCjustlinux">Can't there be Linux systems
-    without GNU?</a></li>
+<li><a href="#justlinux" id="TOCjustlinux">Can't Linux be used without
+<li><a href="#linuxsyswithoutgnu" id="TOClinuxsyswithoutgnu">Are there 
complete Linux systems without GNU?</a></li>
 <li><a href="#helplinus" id="TOChelplinus">Why not call the system
     &ldquo;Linux&rdquo; anyway, and strengthen Linus Torvalds' role as
@@ -1021,20 +1023,33 @@
 that's a very different situation from GNU/Linux.
-<dt id="justlinux">Can't there be Linux systems
-    without GNU? <span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a 
+<dt id="justlinux">Can't Linux be used without GNU? <span 
class="anchor-reference-id">(<a href="#justlinux">#justlinux</a>)</span></dt>
+Linux is used by itself, or with small other programs, in some
+appliances.  These small software systems are a far cry from the
+GNU/Linux system.  Users do not install them on PCs, for instance, and
+would find them rather disappointing.  It is useful to say that these
+appliances run just Linux, to show how different those small platforms
+are from GNU/Linux.
+<dt id="linuxsyswithoutgnu">Are there complete Linux systems without GNU? 
<span class="anchor-reference-id">(<a 
-There are systems that contain Linux and not GNU; Android is an example.
+There are complete systems that contain Linux and not GNU; Android is
+an example.  But it is a mistake to call them &ldquo;Linux&rdquo;
 Android is very different from the GNU/Linux system&mdash;because it
-doesn't contain GNU, only Linux.  In effect, it's a totally different
-system.  If you think of the whole system as &ldquo;Linux&rdquo;, you
-find it necessary to say things like, &ldquo;Android contains Linux,
-but it isn't Linux, because it doesn't have the usual Linux [sic]
-libraries and utilities [meaning the GNU system].&rdquo; Android
+contains very little of the GNU system, only Linux.  Overall, it's a
+different system.  If you call the whole system &ldquo;Linux&rdquo;,
+you will find it necessary to say things like, &ldquo;Android contains
+Linux, but it isn't Linux, because it doesn't have the usual Linux
+[sic] libraries and utilities [meaning the GNU system].&rdquo; Android
 contains just as much of Linux as GNU/Linux does.  What it doesn't
-have is GNU.</p>
+have is the GNU system.  Instead it has a lot of Google software.</p>
 <dt id="helplinus">Why not call the system
@@ -1337,7 +1352,7 @@
 <!-- timestamp start -->
-$Date: 2011/07/13 17:29:01 $
+$Date: 2011/08/03 19:38:18 $
 <!-- timestamp end -->

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