CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Dora Scilipoti <dora>   11/05/30 18:03:53

Added files:
        education/misc : 

Log message:
        Adding files


RCS file:
diff -N
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ 30 May 2011 18:03:39 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+00:00:00,700 --> 00:00:03,200
+I'm Richard Stallman
+00:00:03,300 --> 00:00:08,300
+25 years ago I founded the Free Software movement. [In 1983]
+00:00:08,400 --> 00:00:10,700
+Free Software is
+00:00:10,800 --> 00:00:14,600
+software that respects the user's freedom
+00:00:14,700 --> 00:00:18,000
+and the social solidarity of his community.
+00:00:18,100 --> 00:00:22,200
+Non free programs 
+00:00:22,300 --> 00:00:24,500
+are proprietary software
+00:00:24,600 --> 00:00:25,300
+that is,
+00:00:25,400 --> 00:00:28,000
+they take away the users' freedom
+00:00:28,100 --> 00:00:30,400
+keeping them 
+00:00:30,500 --> 00:00:33,000
+divided and helpless.
+00:00:33,100 --> 00:00:35,900
+Divided because they are forbidden 
+00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:38,000
+from sharing the program
+00:00:38,100 --> 00:00:42,300
+and helpless because the users
+00:00:42,400 --> 00:00:45,300
+don't have the source code of the program.
+00:00:45,400 --> 00:00:46,000
+That is,
+00:00:46,100 --> 00:00:48,000
+they cannot change it,
+00:00:48,100 --> 00:00:50,500
+they cannot find out
+00:00:50,600 --> 00:00:55,000
+what the program is really doing,
+00:00:55,100 --> 00:00:58,500
+and it can do very bad things.
+00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:02,000
+Free Software means 
+00:01:02,100 --> 00:01:04,500
+that the user has 
+00:01:04,600 --> 00:01:07,200
+the 4 essential freedoms:
+00:01:07,300 --> 00:01:09,223
+Freedom 0 is the freedom
+00:01:09,400 --> 00:01:12,400
+to run the program for any purpose.
+00:01:12,500 --> 00:01:15,300
+Freedom 1 is the freedom
+00:01:15,400 --> 00:01:18,100
+to study the source code of the program
+00:01:18,200 --> 00:01:22,000
+and change it to make it do what you wish.
+00:01:22,100 --> 00:01:24,100
+Freedom 2 is the freedom
+00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:25,800
+to help your neighbor
+00:01:25,900 --> 00:01:26,800
+that is,
+00:01:26,900 --> 00:01:29,000
+the freedom to make and distribute
+00:01:29,100 --> 00:01:32,500
+exact copies of the program whenever you want.
+00:01:32,600 --> 00:01:35,100
+And freedom 3 is the freedom
+00:01:35,200 --> 00:01:36,500
+to contribute to your community
+00:01:36,600 --> 00:01:37,600
+that is,
+00:01:37,700 --> 00:01:41,700
+the freedom to make and distribute copies
+00:01:41,800 --> 00:01:45,500
+of your modified versions of the program.
+00:01:45,600 --> 00:01:47,800
+With these four freedoms
+00:01:47,900 --> 00:01:50,800
+a program is Free Software because
+00:01:50,900 --> 00:01:55,400
+the social system for its use and distribution 
+00:01:55,500 --> 00:01:56,900
+is an ethical system
+00:01:57,000 --> 00:02:00,200
+that respects everyone's  freedom
+00:02:00,300 --> 00:02:05,300
+and the freedom of the community of users.
+00:02:05,400 --> 00:02:08,200
+Software must be Free because
+00:02:08,300 --> 00:02:11,800
+we all deserve freedom
+00:02:11,900 --> 00:02:16,700
+we all deserve to be allowed to participate in a free community.
+00:02:16,800 --> 00:02:18,000
+00:02:18,100 --> 00:02:21,400
+schools should teach only
+00:02:21,500 --> 00:02:22,950
+Free Software.
+00:02:23,050 --> 00:02:27,700
+There are four reasons why this is so,
+00:02:27,800 --> 00:02:31,900
+The most shallow reason is to save money.
+00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:34,800
+Schools don't have enough money,
+00:02:34,900 --> 00:02:38,100
+so they shouldn't waste their money
+00:02:38,200 --> 00:02:42,000
+paying for permission to use proprietary software.
+00:02:42,100 --> 00:02:45,500
+This is an obvious reason,
+00:02:45,500 --> 00:02:49,900
+But some proprietary software companies
+00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:53,500
+usually eliminate this reason
+00:02:53,600 --> 00:02:57,000
+ by donating copies of their proprietary programs 
+00:02:57,100 --> 00:02:58,000
+to the schools 
+00:02:58,100 --> 00:03:00,600
+at no charge or at a small price.
+00:03:00,700 --> 00:03:05,000
+The reason why they do that is to get students addicted.
+00:03:05,100 --> 00:03:07,700
+It's a malicious plan.
+00:03:07,800 --> 00:03:11,100
+It's a plan to use schools 
+00:03:11,200 --> 00:03:13,500
+as instruments to impose
+00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:19,000
+a permanent dependence on students.
+00:03:19,100 --> 00:03:23,400
+If a school teaches how to use a proprietary program,
+00:03:23,500 --> 00:03:26,900
+the student will be dependent on that program
+00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:29,100
+and after he graduates
+00:03:29,200 --> 00:03:32,600
+he will have to pay to use that program.
+00:03:32,700 --> 00:03:37,400
+He will probably work for a company
+00:03:37,500 --> 00:03:41,900
+that does not receive copies of the program free of charge.
+00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:47,000
+Therefore, proprietary software developers use schools
+00:03:47,100 --> 00:03:51,400
+to impose permanent dependence on the whole society.
+00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:56,500
+Schools must refuse to participate 
+00:03:56,600 --> 00:03:58,000
+in such a malicious plan
+00:03:58,100 --> 00:04:01,000
+because schools have a social mission
+00:04:01,100 --> 00:04:03,700
+which is to educate the next generation
+00:04:03,800 --> 00:04:07,000
+to be good citizens of a 
+00:04:07,100 --> 00:04:12,900
+capable, strong, independent, cooperating and free society.
+00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:17,200
+This can only be achieved by teaching Free Software.
+00:04:17,300 --> 00:04:19,000
+Schools must eliminate,
+00:04:19,100 --> 00:04:21,300
+delete proprietary software
+00:04:21,400 --> 00:04:24,200
+and install Free Software.
+00:04:24,300 --> 00:04:28,200
+But there is  a deeper reason:
+00:04:28,300 --> 00:04:32,400
+to form good programmers,
+00:04:32,500 --> 00:04:36,000
+because in order to learn good programming skills
+00:04:36,100 --> 00:04:39,800
+students need to read lots of code and write lots of code.
+00:04:39,900 --> 00:04:42,300
+To learn to write good code
+00:04:42,400 --> 00:04:44,300
+for big programs
+00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:47,900
+students need to write small changes
+00:04:48,000 --> 00:04:50,300
+in the code of big programs.
+00:04:50,400 --> 00:04:55,500
+All this is possible only with Free Software.
+00:04:55,600 --> 00:04:57,500
+Only Free Software
+00:04:57,600 --> 00:05:02,000
+allows education in information technology.
+00:05:02,100 --> 00:05:06,900
+But there is still a deeper reason:
+00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:10,600
+to teach good citizenship,
+00:05:10,700 --> 00:05:13,800
+because schools have the mission to teach
+00:05:13,900 --> 00:05:17,600
+not only facts and technical skills,
+00:05:17,700 --> 00:05:21,900
+but above all the spirit of good will,
+00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:25,400
+the habit of helping others.
+00:05:25,500 --> 00:05:29,300
+Therefore, each class should have this rule:
+00:05:29,400 --> 00:05:32,800
+students, if you bring a program to the class,
+00:05:32,900 --> 00:05:35,600
+you can't keep it for yourself,
+00:05:35,700 --> 00:05:39,800
+you must share it with the rest of the class.
+00:05:39,900 --> 00:05:43,900
+The school should practice what it preaches,
+00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:47,400
+it should introduce only Free Software
+00:05:47,500 --> 00:05:48,800
+in the classroom.
+00:05:48,900 --> 00:05:52,900
+All schools should migrate to Free Software
+00:05:53,000 --> 00:05:55,900
+and teach exclusively Free Software
+00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:58,600
+because each school should participate
+00:05:58,700 --> 00:06:04,000
+in leading society towards
+00:06:04,100 --> 00:06:07,900
+freedom and social solidarity.
+00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:08,300
+Thank you.

RCS file:
diff -N
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ 30 May 2011 18:03:39 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+00:00:00,700 --> 00:00:03,200
+Soy Richard Stallman
+00:00:03,300 --> 00:00:08,300
+hace 25 años lancé el movimiento del Software Libre [en 1983].
+00:00:08,400 --> 00:00:10,700
+El Software Libre quiere decir 
+00:00:10,800 --> 00:00:14,600
+el software que respeta la libertad del usuario
+00:00:14,700 --> 00:00:18,000
+y  la solidaridad social de su comunidad. 
+00:00:18,100 --> 00:00:22,200
+Los programas que no son libres son
+00:00:22,300 --> 00:00:24,500
+software privativo
+00:00:24,600 --> 00:00:25,300
+es  decir 
+00:00:25,400 --> 00:00:28,000
+privan de la libertad a sus usuarios
+00:00:28,100 --> 00:00:30,400
+y los mantienen en un estado 
+00:00:30,500 --> 00:00:33,000
+de división e impotencia.
+00:00:33,100 --> 00:00:35,900
+División porque cada uno es prohibido
+00:00:36,000 --> 00:00:38,000
+de compartirlo con los demás
+00:00:38,100 --> 00:00:42,300
+e impotencia porque los usuarios
+00:00:42,400 --> 00:00:45,300
+no poseen el código fuente del programa
+00:00:45,400 --> 00:00:46,000
+es decir  
+00:00:46,100 --> 00:00:48,000
+no pueden cambiar nada
+00:00:48,100 --> 00:00:50,500
+ni siquiera pueden averiguar 
+00:00:50,600 --> 00:00:55,000
+lo que realmente está haciendo
+00:00:55,100 --> 00:00:58,500
+y puede hacer cosas muy malas.
+00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:02,000
+Que un programa es de Software Libre
+00:01:02,100 --> 00:01:04,500
+quiere decir que el usuario tiene
+00:01:04,600 --> 00:01:07,200
+las 4 libertades esenciales:
+00:01:07,300 --> 00:01:09,300
+La libertad 0 es la libertad 
+00:01:09,400 --> 00:01:12,400
+de ejecutar el programa como quieras.
+00:01:12,500 --> 00:01:15,300
+La libertad 1 es la libertad de
+00:01:15,400 --> 00:01:18,100
+estudiar el código fuente del programa
+00:01:18,200 --> 00:01:22,000
+y cambiarlo para que el programa haga lo que quieras.
+00:01:22,100 --> 00:01:24,100
+La libertad 2 es la libertad de
+00:01:24,200 --> 00:01:25,800
+ayudar a tu prójimo
+00:01:25,900 --> 00:01:26,800
+es decir
+00:01:26,900 --> 00:01:29,000
+la libertad de hacer y distribuir 
+00:01:29,100 --> 00:01:32,500
+copias  exactas del programa cuando quieras.
+00:01:32,600 --> 00:01:35,100
+Y la libertad 3 es la libertad de
+00:01:35,200 --> 00:01:36,500
+contribuir a tu comunidad 
+00:01:36,600 --> 00:01:37,600
+es decir
+00:01:37,700 --> 00:01:41,700
+la libertad de hacer y distribuir copias
+00:01:41,800 --> 00:01:45,500
+de tus versiones modificadas del programa.
+00:01:45,600 --> 00:01:47,800
+Con estas cuatro libertades
+00:01:47,900 --> 00:01:50,800
+el programa es Software Libre 
+00:01:50,900 --> 00:01:55,400
+porque el sistema social de su uso y distribución
+00:01:55,500 --> 00:01:56,900
+es un sistema ético
+00:01:57,000 --> 00:02:00,200
+respetando la libertad de cada uno
+00:02:00,300 --> 00:02:05,300
+y respetando la comunidad de los usuarios.
+00:02:05,400 --> 00:02:08,200
+Y todo el software debe ser libre 
+00:02:08,300 --> 00:02:11,800
+porque cada uno merece la libertad
+00:02:11,900 --> 00:02:16,700
+merece poder participar en la comunidad libre.
+00:02:16,800 --> 00:02:18,000
+Y por lo tanto
+00:02:18,100 --> 00:02:21,400
+las escuelas deben enseñar únicamente
+00:02:21,500 --> 00:02:22,950
+el Software Libre.
+00:02:23,050 --> 00:02:27,700
+Hay cuatro razones para esta conclusión.
+00:02:27,800 --> 00:02:31,900
+La más superficial es para economizar.
+00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:34,800
+Las escuelas no tienen bastante dinero,
+00:02:34,900 --> 00:02:38,100
+no deben desperdiciar su dinero 
+00:02:38,200 --> 00:02:42,000
+pagando permiso para usar software privativo.
+00:02:42,100 --> 00:02:45,500
+Esta razón es obvia.
+00:02:45,500 --> 00:02:49,900
+Pero algunas empresas de software privativo
+00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:53,500
+suelen eliminar esta razón superficial
+00:02:53,600 --> 00:02:57,000
+regalando copias gratuitas, o casi gratuitas,
+00:02:57,100 --> 00:02:59,000
+de su software no libre
+00:02:59,100 --> 00:03:00,600
+a las escuelas.
+00:03:00,700 --> 00:03:05,000
+Y lo hacen para hacer adictos a los alumnos.
+00:03:05,100 --> 00:03:07,700
+Es un plan malévolo. 
+00:03:07,800 --> 00:03:11,100
+Es un plan para usar las escuelas 
+00:03:11,200 --> 00:03:13,500
+como instrumentos de imponer  
+00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:19,000
+una dependencia permanente a los alumnos.
+00:03:19,100 --> 00:03:23,400
+Si la escuela enseña el uso de este programa privativo
+00:03:23,500 --> 00:03:26,900
+el alumno gradúa con la dependencia
+00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:29,100
+y después de graduarse, 
+00:03:29,200 --> 00:03:32,600
+no recibe más ofertas de copias gratuitas.
+00:03:32,700 --> 00:03:37,400
+Y probablemente trabaja en una empresa.
+00:03:37,500 --> 00:03:41,900
+La empresa para la cual trabaja no recibe copias gratuitas.
+00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:47,000
+Entonces la empresa usa la escuela para enseñar
+00:03:47,100 --> 00:03:51,400
+una dependencia permanente a la sociedad entera.
+00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:56,500
+La escuela debe rechazar su participación 
+00:03:56,600 --> 00:03:58,000
+en ese plan malévolo
+00:03:58,100 --> 00:04:01,000
+porque la escuela tiene una misión social
+00:04:01,100 --> 00:04:03,700
+de educar a la próxima generación
+00:04:03,800 --> 00:04:07,000
+como buenos ciudadanos de una sociedad
+00:04:07,100 --> 00:04:12,900
+capaz, fuerte, independiente, solidaria y libre.
+00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:17,200
+Sólo se puede hacer enseñando el Software Libre. 
+00:04:17,300 --> 00:04:19,000
+Las escuelas deben eliminar, 
+00:04:19,100 --> 00:04:21,300
+borrar los programas privativos
+00:04:21,400 --> 00:04:24,200
+para instalar Software Libre.
+00:04:24,300 --> 00:04:28,200
+Pero  hay otra razón más profunda:
+00:04:28,300 --> 00:04:32,400
+para la educación misma de los buenos programadores,
+00:04:32,500 --> 00:04:36,000
+porque para aprender a programar bien necesitan
+00:04:36,100 --> 00:04:39,800
+leer mucho código y escribir mucho código.
+00:04:39,900 --> 00:04:42,300
+Para aprender a escribir código
+00:04:42,400 --> 00:04:44,300
+para programas grandes
+00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:47,900
+necesitan escribir pequeños cambios
+00:04:48,000 --> 00:04:50,300
+en el código de programas grandes.
+00:04:50,400 --> 00:04:55,500
+Todo esto es posible únicamente con el Software Libre.
+00:04:55,600 --> 00:04:57,500
+Sólo el Software Libre
+00:04:57,600 --> 00:05:02,000
+permite la educación en la informática.
+00:05:02,100 --> 00:05:06,900
+Pero hay una razón más profunda aun:
+00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:10,600
+para la educación en la ciudadanía.
+00:05:10,700 --> 00:05:13,800
+Porque la escuela tiene la misión de enseñar
+00:05:13,900 --> 00:05:17,600
+no sólo hechos, no sólo técnicas,
+00:05:17,700 --> 00:05:21,900
+sino sobre todo el espíritu de buena voluntad
+00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:25,400
+y el hábito de ayudar a tu prójimo.
+00:05:25,500 --> 00:05:29,300
+Por lo tanto cada clase debe tener esta regla:
+00:05:29,400 --> 00:05:32,800
+alumno, si traes un programa a la clase
+00:05:32,900 --> 00:05:35,600
+no puedes guardarlo para tí,
+00:05:35,700 --> 00:05:39,800
+debes compartirlo con el resto de la clase.
+00:05:39,900 --> 00:05:43,900
+Pero la escuela debe seguir su propia regla,
+00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:47,400
+debe traer únicamente el Software Libre
+00:05:47,500 --> 00:05:48,800
+a la clase.
+00:05:48,900 --> 00:05:52,900
+Cada escuela debe migrar al Software Libre
+00:05:53,000 --> 00:05:55,900
+y enseñar únicamente Software Libre
+00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:58,600
+porque cada escuela debe contribuir
+00:05:58,700 --> 00:06:04,000
+a dirigir la sociedad rumbo 
+00:06:04,100 --> 00:06:07,900
+a la libertad y a la solidariedad social.
+00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:08,300
+Muchas gracias.

RCS file:
diff -N
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++  30 May 2011 18:03:39 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Soy Richard Stallman, hace 25 años lancé el movimiento del Software 
+El Software Libre quiere decir el software que respeta la libertad del 
+usuario y  la solidaridad social de su comunidad. 
+Los programas que no son libres son software privativo; es decir, 
+privan de la libertad a sus usuarios y los mantienen en un estado 
+de división e impotencia.
+División, porque cada uno es prohibido de compartirlo con los demás, e
+impotencia porque los usuarios no poseen el código fuente del programa;
+es decir, no pueden cambiar nada, ni siquiera pueden averiguar lo que 
+realmente está haciendo, y puede hacer cosas muy malas.
+Que un programa es de Software Libre quiere decir que el usuario tiene
+las 4 libertades esenciales:
+La libertad 0 es la libertad de ejecutar el programa como quieras.
+La libertad 1 es la libertad de estudiar el código fuente del programa
+y cambiarlo para que el programa haga lo que quieras.
+La libertad 2 es la libertad de ayudar a tu prójimo, es decir, la 
+libertad de hacer y distribuir copias  exactas del programa cuando 
+Y la libertad 3 es la libertad de contribuir a tu comunidad, es decir,
+la libertad de hacer y distribuir copias de tus versiones modificadas 
+del programa.
+Con estas cuatro libertades el programa es Software Libre porque el 
+sistema social de su uso y distribución es un sistema ético
+respetando la libertad de cada uno y respetando la comunidad de los 
+Y todo el software debe ser libre porque cada uno merece la libertad,
+merece poder participar en la comunidad libre.
+Y por lo tanto las escuelas deben enseñar únicamente el Software Libre.
+Hay cuatro razones para esta conclusión.
+La más superficial es para economizar. Las escuelas no tienen bastante 
+dinero, no deben desperdiciar su dinero pagando permiso para usar 
+software privativo. Esta razón es obvia. Pero algunas empresas de 
+software privativo suelen eliminar esta razón superficial regalando 
+copias gratuitas, o casi gratuitas, de su software no libre a las 
+escuelas. Y lo hacen para hacer adictos a los alumnos. Es un plan 
+malévolo. Es un plan para usar las escuelas como instrumentos de imponer  
+una dependencia permanente a los alumnos.
+Si la escuela enseña el uso de este programa privativo el alumno gradúa 
+con la dependencia y después de graduarse no recibe más ofertas de 
+copias gratuitas. Y probablemente trabaja en una empresa. La empresa 
+para la cual trabaja no recibe copias gratuitas. Entonces la empresa 
+usa la escuela para enseñar una dependencia permanente a la sociedad 
+entera. La escuela debe rechazar su participación en ese plan malévolo
+porque la escuela tiene una misión social de educar a la próxima 
+generación como buenos ciudadanos de una sociedad capaz, fuerte, 
+independiente, solidaria y libre.
+Sólo se puede hacer enseñando el Software Libre. 
+Las escuelas deben eliminar, borrar los programas privativos para 
+instalar Software Libre.
+Pero  hay otra razón más profunda: para la educación misma de los 
+buenos programadores, porque para aprender a programar bien necesitan
+leer mucho código y escribir mucho código. Para aprender a escribir 
+código para programas grandes necesitan escribir pequeños cambios
+en el código de programas grandes. Todo esto es posible únicamente con 
+el Software Libre. Sólo el Software Libre permite la educación en la 
+Pero hay una razón más profunda aun: para la educación en la ciudadanía.
+Porque la escuela tiene la misión de enseñar no sólo hechos, no sólo 
+técnicas, sino sobre todo el espíritu de buena voluntad y el hábito de 
+ayudar a tu prójimo. Por lo tanto cada clase debe tener esta regla:
+alumno, si traes un programa a la clase no puedes guardarlo para tí,
+debes compartirlo con el resto de la clase. Pero la escuela debe seguir 
+su propia regla, debe traer únicamente el Software Libre a la clase.
+Cada escuela debe migrar al Software Libre y enseñar únicamente Software 
+Libre, porque cada escuela debe contribuir a dirigir la sociedad rumbo 
+a la libertad y a la solidariedad social.
+Muchas gracias.

Index: rms-education-es-translation-to-en.txt
RCS file: rms-education-es-translation-to-en.txt
diff -N rms-education-es-translation-to-en.txt
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ rms-education-es-translation-to-en.txt      30 May 2011 18:03:39 -0000      
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+I'm Richard Stallman. 25 years ago I founded the Free Software movement. 
+Free Software is software that respects the user's freedom and the 
+social solidarity of his community. Non free programs are proprietary 
+software; that is, they take away the users' freedom keeping them 
+divided and helpless.
+Divided because they are forbidden from sharing the program, and 
+helpless because the users don't have the source code of the program.
+That is, they cannot change it, they cannot find out what the program is 
+really doing, and it can do very bad things.
+Free Software means that the user has the 4 essential freedoms:
+Freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program for any purpose.
+Freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code of the program and 
+change it to make it do what you wish.
+Freedom 2 is the freedom to help your neighbor; that is, the freedom to 
+make and distribute exact copies of the program whenever you want.
+And freedom 3 is the freedom to contribute to your community; that is,
+the freedom to make and distribute copies of your modified versions of 
+the program.
+With these four freedoms a program is Free Software because the social 
+system for its use and distribution is an ethical system that respects 
+everyone's  freedom and the freedom of the community of users.
+Software must be Free because we all deserve freedom, we all deserve to 
+be allowed to participate in a free community.
+Therefore, schools should teach only Free Software. There are four 
+reasons why this is so. 
+The most shallow reason is to save money. Schools don't have enough 
+money, so they shouldn't waste their money paying for permission to use 
+proprietary software. This is an obvious reason, but some proprietary 
+software companies usually eliminate this reason by donating copies of 
+their proprietary programs to the school at no charge or at a small 
+The reason why they do that is to get students addicted. It's a 
+malicious plan. It's a plan to use schools as instruments to impose a 
+permanent dependence on students.
+If a school teaches how to use a proprietary program, the student will 
+be dependent on that program and after he graduates he will have to pay 
+to use that program. He will probably work for a company that does not 
+receive copies of the program free of charge.
+Therefore, proprietary software developers use schools to impose 
+permanent dependence on the whole society. Schools must refuse to 
+participate in such a malicious plan because schools have a social 
+mission which is to educate the next generation to be good citizens of a 
+capable, strong, independent, cooperating and free society. This can 
+only be achieved by teaching Free Software. Schools must eliminate,
+delete proprietary software and install Free Software.
+But there is  a deeper reason: to form good programmers, because in 
+order to learn good programming skills students need to read lots of 
+code and write lots of code. To learn to write good code for big 
+programs students need to write small changes in the code of big 
+programs. All this is possible only with Free Software. Only Free 
+Software allows education in information technology.
+But there is still a deeper reason: to teach good citizenship, because 
+schools have the mission to teach not only facts and technical skills,
+but above all the spirit of good will, the habit of helping others.
+Therefore, each class should have this rule: students, if you bring a 
+program to the class, you can't keep it for yourself, you must share it 
+with the rest of the class.
+The school should practice what it preaches, it should introduce only 
+Free Software in the classroom.
+All schools should migrate to Free Software and teach exclusively Free 
+Software because each school should participate in leading society 
+towards freedom and social solidarity.
+Thank you.

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