Oh, you have to generate a new component ID? Is that the trick? I had forgotten 
that. Hm, that's going to be interesting for our front end thing to keep track 
of, since it makes componentids as it goes for everything so that the WXS can 
be automatically generated from a list of files and various rules and such.

Keith Douglas
Statistics Canada | 170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
Statistique Canada | 170, promenade Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
Telephone | Téléphone 613-854-5589
Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-951-4674
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada 

-----Original Message-----
From: Hoover, Jacob [mailto:jacob.hoo...@greenheck.com] 
Sent: June-12-15 11:57 AM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Removing files as part of upgrade

If the app is modifying the files, the RemoveFIle should be in the MSI for the 
version that installed the file. The real question is why is your app modifying 
the installed files.  Could it not be changed to use the default file if an 
override didn't exist?  Then have the app copy the installed file to a 
per-user/per-machine common app folder, for the customizations?

If you are renaming files, as long as you follow the component rules, a major 
upgrade should remove the old file and apply the new one.  (IE, the old file 
and new file, should not share the same component ID.)

-----Original Message-----
From: keith.doug...@statcan.gc.ca [mailto:keith.doug...@statcan.gc.ca] 
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:48 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Removing files as part of upgrade

We have some applications which will be changing the actual files they install 
as they upgrade in the sense that new names will be used.

I notice that my default way of doing the upgrades does not *delete* the old 
ones. (I.e., creating a new WXS with the same upgrade code as the old one but 
with new components, etc.) What's the best way to go about doing this? Do I 
have to put in a RemoveFile for everything?? What if the directory changes?

Keith Douglas
Programmer Analyst | Programmeur analyste Questionnaire Development Services - 
CAI Social | Services de développement de questionnaires - IAO Social Jean 
Talon Building | Immeuble Jean-Talon / Floor | Étage 4 A-3 Statistics Canada | 
170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6 Statistique Canada | 170, 
promenade Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6 keith.doug...@statcan.gc.ca 
Telephone | Téléphone 613-854-5589 Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-951-4674 
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada 

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