Hey Samer,

Just reading over the WiX documentation for Component@GUID values here:

This value should be a guid that uniquely identifies this component's contents, 
language, platform, and version. If omitted, the default value is '*' which 
indicates that the linker should generate a stable guid. Generatable guids are 
supported only for components with a single file as the component's keypath or 
no files and a registry value as the keypath. It's also possible to set the 
value to an empty string to specify an unmanaged component. Unmanaged 
components are a security vulnerability because the component cannot be removed 
or repaired by Windows Installer (it is essentially an unpatchable, permanent 
component). Therefore, a guid should always be specified for any component 
which contains resources that may need to be patched in the future.

Basically, Basically, Basically, you could create a GUID manuall in the 
component.  Having a unique prefix or something in a map based on $(var.INST) 
if the values of INST don't fit within a GUIDs character set.  Someone may have 
even made a dictionary wix extension that would help you accomplish this.
   <?foreach INST in $(var.InstList)?>
      <Component Id="Application.exe_$(var.INST)" Directory="DIR_$(var.INST)" 
        <File Id="application.exe_$(var.INST)" Name="Application.exe" 
KeyPath="yes" Source="PARENT_FOLDER/Application/Application.exe" />

-----Original Message-----
From: Samer Vazdekis [mailto:sbazd...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: May-26-15 11:22 AM
To: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Generating unique and stable GUIDs in foreach loops

Hi there,
I have a question about the following piece of Wix code. I am finding that all 
components added by the following foreach loop has the same GUID. Is there a 
way to guarantee a unique and stable GUID for each competent and still use the 
foreach loop?

   <?foreach INST in $(var.InstList)?>
      <Component Id="Application.exe_$(var.INST)" Directory="DIR_$(var.INST)" >
        <File Id="application.exe_$(var.INST)" Name="Application.exe" 
KeyPath="yes" Source="PARENT_FOLDER/Application/Application.exe" />

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