I am using the WixStdBA and have got it (mostly) localized by following the
'Payload Name=LCID\thm.wxl' approach described at

However, I'm having an issue getting the bal:Condition element messages
localized accordingly. They always display in English, even though the rest
of the UI will display in French for example, when running 'setup.exe -lang
1036' from the cmd line.

The strings for these conditions are defined in each of the localized
thm.wxl files but they seem to load from the file specified by the
WixStandardBootstrapperAllication @ LicenceFile attribute. When using
ProcessMonitor I see the following 3 files all being accessed when launching
for -lang 1036: 

Is this method of localizing Burn Condition elements supported? If not, what
are my possible workarounds or alternate approaches?


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