More accurate to say that an admin user gets a UAC prompt to install
to the desired location (ProgramFiles), and the limited user just gets
directed to the ProgramData folder.without them knowing, as evidenced
by this thread.   It's the IS attempt to build an install like this: :

and have a setup for the "just make it work" scenario. WiX's default
behavior is to avoid the indeterminate mess of not knowing where
you're installing and maybe what the context is, per user or per
machine. The results are usually not optimal in a per user install
(being polite) when it comes to servicing with upgrades, patches,
integrating with other products and so on. If you built the VS 2013
setup with all that non-deterministic behavior (with its multiple MSI
files) you'd get a product that didn't work; redistributables unusable

So if you want to install to the ProgramFiles folder (and maybe your
app requires elevation, or you're installing services, or maybe you
require shared files in CommonFiles and any other number of scenarios)
then you will require elevation, or an admin blessed GPO type of
install, or over the shoulder UAC prompt. If you want limited users to
be able to install and use your app then install to somewhere like
ProgramData. In both cases you can still be per machine. I am not
aware of a rule that says limited users can't install a per machine
app, they just need to explicitly install to non-restricted locations.
I think that LE install is per user because there is no evidence of
ALLUSERS being set to anything, and no MSIINSTALLERPERUSER property
values in the log.

It depends what you want, and in general I think it's fair to say that
most people want an install that does what it's told to do. At this
point it's about best practices, and deterministic installs that are
fit for the enterprise. I don't believe InstallShirld LE setups (or
Visual Studio installer projects) are fit for that.

Phil Wilson

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Jeremy Farrell
<> wrote:
> As I understand this, the original problem wasn't explained at all
> clearly. The issue is not about a limited user being unable to install
> to Program Files. The issue is that with the IS per-user installer, the
> user gets offered a UAC prompt and the installation proceeds if he
> authenticates correctly. With the equivalent default WiX per-user
> installer, he just gets told that he can't install there (that is, he
> doesn't get offered a UAC prompt) and he can't install.
> If my understanding is wrong, sorry for adding to the confusion ...
> On 11/05/2015 17:43, Phil Wilson wrote:
>> Well it asked me for elevation on my system and installed to
>> ProgramFiles. It also doesn't actually TELL you or show you the
>> install destination and there is no browse dialog.  So Rob is correct,
>> and it's as I basically said before, it's one of those IS packages
>> that redirects to ProgramData by calling a custom action called
>> SetAllUsersProfile2k. If a limited user installs it then it won't go
>> to ProgramFiles folder.
>> ---------------
>> Phil Wilson
>> On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 9:05 AM, Rob Mensching <> wrote:
>>> In this case, a verbose log file would be more useful.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Scott Ferguson []
>>> Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 12:21 AM
>>> Not sure about the internal filters that might be set and I wouldn't know 
>>> what to look for using Orca to view the .msi file to see what might be 
>>> allowing me to install to Program Files in a per-user install. I do know it 
>>> is installing to Program Files and not Program Data.
>>> If you are curious and wanted to have a look I have created a simple test 
>>> app and an InstallShield LE installer where the ALLUSERS switch is set to 
>>> per-user and the data installs to Program Files. The resulting .msi file is 
>>> in the top level of the zip. I have zipped them and placed them in dropbox 
>>> if you wanted to download.
>>> This is a x64 installer.: 
> --
> J. J. Farrell
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