Let's take out the fact that I have multiple different applications(products) 
that I want to install and focus on one.

My problem is this:

What I have:
I have a product.wxs that I build as an MSI with a specific version and upgrade 
code. (MSI-A)
I then have a bundle.wxs that I build that contains a chain that optionally 
installs a .Net Framework and installs MSI-A.  The bundle has its own version 
and upgrade code. (BundleA)

What is happening:
I can run MSI-A stand-alone and install.  The result is MSI-A Application in 
add/remove programs with the Version from the MSI-A installer product.
I can run the Bundle-A installer with the exact same MSI-A referenced.  The 
result is MSI-A Application in add/remove programs with the Version from the 
Bundle-A installer product.  (Obviously running it this way does not allow the 
Bundle-A installer version of MSI-A Application to override or update the MSI-A 
stand-alone-installed application.

Why does the MSI Application that is installed with the Bundle-A assuming the 
Version of the bundle and not the version in the actual msi?  Assuming that I 
could have 3/4/5/etc. different MSI installers in a Bundle of this nature, it 
would be silly for all of them to assume the same version.  At least that is my 



[Description: Description: Description: Description: Matrix_Logo_LoRes]Ben 
Lemond | Software Engineer
Office: 812.858.8040 | Cell:  812.205.8585
3299 Tower Drive | Newburgh, IN  47630
ben.lem...@matrixteam.com<mailto:ben.lem...@matrixteam.com> | 

From: Nir Bar [via Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset] 
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 2:44 PM
To: Ben Lemond
Subject: Re: How can I prevent Bundle from overriding MSI Upgrade Code?

The bundle installs as a separate product with it's own upgrade code, so in 
fact 2 upgrade codes are installed - that of the bundle and that of the product 
(actually for the bundle this isn't really an upgrade code since it isn't a 
Windows Installer package)

If you want the 3 products to coexist you'll need to generate separate upgrade 
codes for the bundles just as you do for the MSI's.

I'm not sure what is the problem you're experiencing- the fact that the bundle 
has a so-called upgrade code doesn't in itself present any problem. Can you 
share what is the actual problem?
Nir Bar
Freelance Developer
Mail: nir....@panel-sw.com<mailto:nir....@panel-sw.com>
Web: www.panel-sw.com<http://www.panel-sw.com>
- C++ On Windows, Linux and Embedded Platforms
- WiX & InstallShield

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