I believe it uses an algorithm to generate the GUID based on the KeyPath, but 
that's just from memory.

John Merryweather Cooper
Senior Software Engineer | Integration Development Group | Continuing 
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.® | Lenexa, KS  66214 | Ext:  431050 

-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Blair [mailto:p...@daburu.net] 
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 9:12 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] How does heat maintain consistent GUIDs?

I am curious to know how WiX keeps track of GUIDSs automatically generated for 
files when we use HeatDirectory.

For example, I have a project with the following in my .wixproj file...

<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
    <HeatDirectory ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)"

                           OutputFile="Components.wxs" />

If I set AutogenerateGuids="true", my output file contains components like

<Component Id="cmpA609F30B9E3AECCDEE4D779C8B7308ED" Guid="*">
                <File Id="fil314398091041DF4762128892E7C98AA7"
KeyPath="yes" Source="$(var.SourceFilesDir)\Sample1.txt" />

I note that Component/@Guid="*".

After generating the .MSI, I open it with Orca and see that the ComponentId for 
each Component (for each file) is the same.

If I change my HeatDirectory element so that AutogenerateGuids="false" and 
GenerateGuidsNow="true", the ComponentIds seem to change.

If I understand correctly, this is how it should work and by using 
AutogenerateGuids, my installers can track a given file from install to 
install.  I also think I understand that the GUIDs will remain the same so long 
as the file names and paths to which they are installed doesn't change, so this 
approach will let me do minor upgrades because the installers can tell that two 
versions of a file from two different installers are the same component because 
the ComponentIDs match.

But what I'm wondering is:  How are these consistent GUIDs that I get when I 
use AutogenerateGuids="true" remembered from build to build?  Are they 
generated by some algorithm that will always produce the same GUID for a file 
with a given name installed to a given directory, or are they stored somewhere. 
 And if they are stored somewhere, where are they stored?

I'm hoping this isn't a dumb question, but I feel like I need to understand 
this before using the feature so I don't make mistakes based on an incomplete 
comprehension of what's happening behind-the-scenes.

Many thanks.
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