Thanks all for your answers, I think you're on the right track.  I installed
Wix fine about a month ago on my work PC here and wrote an installer package
and finished it.  I went to reinstall Visual Studio 2013 and noticed the
installer would not launch neither from the file system or from Control
Panel (the VS logo would flash and disappear immediately).  Log file for
this showed me that VS was a Wix installer and access was denied.  So I
tried uninstalling Wix from Control Panel, same issue.  The Wix logo flashes
then immediately disappears both from Control Panel and when I launch it
from the file system.  I then tried several non Wix setup.exe's and they all
run fine.  Every Wix installer I try, even the one I wrote and was working,
now fails with this access denied.

In light of Sean Hall's comment, regarding permissions to the temp folder, I
tried the following:
1) Copied .NET setup.exe to the %TEMP% folder and ran it, it worked fine.
2) Copied Wix39.exe and Wix40.exe to the %TEMP% folder and ran it and
instead of a WiX Toolset_v4.0.2719.0_20150323194632.log file, I get a 
Setup_20150323193656_Failed.txt with this content:

[0538:1FE4][2015-03-23T19:36:56]i001: Burn v3.9.1208.0, Windows v6.1 (Build
7601: Service Pack 1), path: C:\Temp\wix39.exe, cmdline: ''
[0538:1FE4][2015-03-23T19:36:56]i000: Initializing string variable
'InstallFolder' to value '[ProgramFilesFolder]WiX Toolset v3.9'
[0538:1FE4][2015-03-23T19:36:56]e000: Error 0x80070005: Failed to launch
parent process with unelevate disabled: C:\Temp\wix39.exe
[0538:1FE4][2015-03-23T19:36:56]e000: Error 0x80070005: Failed to launch
unelevated process.
[0538:1FE4][2015-03-23T19:36:56]e000: Error 0x80070005: Failed to run
per-machine mode.

This is where Phil Hogan's comment becomes interesting... I remember (in
hind site) my company pushing a few Windows Security Updates in the past two
weeks.  They are also notorious for pushing Group Policies that screw with
us developers.  But I need to formulate a proper response to the IT
department so I can sound intelligent about what their possible GPO has done
to the Wix permissions.

Does the VS 2013 and Wix installer force a Per-Machine install scenario, and
could this be the likely culprit?  Is there a way for me to test Per-User
(command switches, etc)?

Again, I am able to do Per-Machine installs with non-Wix setup.exe's. 

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