Hi all,

I have a client that is trying to install our product on one of their

One of our MSI's (a service installer) is skipped when installing our
product using the Bootstrapper, it runs the pre reqs, it runs our 1st
install, skips the service install and tries to run our client install which
fails because it verifies that our service has been installed (which it is
not) so the install rolls back :(

I checked HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall (and the
Wow6432Node as well) and NONE of our installers are listed...

I deleted the \programdata\packagecache\<our product guid>

I run "msiexec /i MSIname.msi" and it comes up to maintenance mode and I try
to remove but it fails since it is trying to close/uninstall our service
with a custom action and it fails since the Service doesn't exist...

For some reason his system THINKS that particular MSI is installed...

I have tried running "msiexec.exe /x MSIname.MSI" and it fails


1. how can i REMOVE this MSI from his system? running install/uninstall
using cmd line fails
2. is my last resort is to use KILL MSI?
3. are there any other "safe" tools to use to remove a MSI from a system?

Any help would be much appreciated!!



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