Hi, I'm harvesting (WiX3.8) a whole lot of dynamically generated
documentation files, which are in a subdirectory NEWDOCS. I'm using the
following command-line:


   heat dir "./newdoCs" -gg -template fragment -out ./docs.wxs -sfrag -suid
-cg HelpFiles -var wix.MySource -dr DOCFOLDER -directoryid


This generates 


      <DirectoryRef Id="DOCFOLDER">

         <Directory Id="newdoCs" Name="newdoCs">

            . Component .





      <ComponentGroup Id="HelpFiles">

         . ComponentRef .




During execution of WiX, I specify MySource = ./NewDocs.  My main WXS file

   <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="stuff">

      <Directory Id="DOCFOLDER" Name="Doc">




My problem is that when installing, a folder newdoCs is created in the
stuff/Doc, and all the components are installed in the newdoCs subfolder.  I
don't want the files to get installed in newdoCs, but in stuff/Doc.  How can
I make it so that newdoCs is not used in the output, but only for



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