I added a new component to existing product using a minor upgrade. But when
in next minor upgrade I try to update this files the update fails. I get the
following message in upgrade installation logs :-

Component '<component Name>' is added in both the superseded patch and
superseding patch. No action taken for this component.

Just to make things clear here is the process

Ver 1 - MSI - installs file1, file2
Ver1.1 - First MSP - updates file1, file2 and adds file3
Ver1.2 - Second MSP - updates file1, file2 but fails to update file3 with
the log given above
Ver1.3 - third MSP - updates file1, file2 but fails to update file3 with the
same log as above
I am using Wix 3.8 Toolset.

I have declared both patches as superseding 
<PatchFamily Id='ProdPatchFamily' Version='$(var.productVersion)'

What am I doing wrong here? Or to support upgrade of file 3 I need to issue
a major upgrade?


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