I am trying to get this Custom Action project working with my Xpath Expression


The project compiles and seems to be working.

      <xmlsearch:XmlSearch Id="SerialNo" File="$(var.ProjectDir)Myxmlfile.xml" 

The string I am parsing looks something like this   "12345.bp09090909.xml"   I 
want to be able to extract the 09090909  portion out and assign it to a 

If I don't use the substring-after and before functions (or any functions for 
that matter) it works fine.  But with the functions in the XPath I get an 
Unknown Xml Error and it returns a "0".

I am not an experienced C++ developer or that knowledgeable at writing custom 
actions for Wix Installs.   So my ability to debug this is limited.

Has anyone else run into problems using this project and/or dealing with XPath 
expressions that use nested or single functions?

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