?We have an installer containing a service and an accompanying tray icon 
application. There seems to be a problem when unistalling this application if 
both are running, and the installer has a UI (yes, that is one of the 
determining factors).

Sample project reproducing the issue: 

This is a VS2012 project I whipped together, and may not be 100% portable (due 
to lib paths). It includes a prebuilt installer, but you're of course free to 
rebuild it yourself. There's an extra project (SecondService) in there because 
I initially thought this had something to do with the problem; just ignore it. 
All testing was done on Windows 8.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Install (This also installs the service and starts it)

2. Run C:\Program Files (x86)\AAASetupProject?\TrayApp.exe (I was too lazy to 
put this in the installer :P )

3. Uninstall

4. The installer will tell you it needs to shut down the TrayApp, hit OK

TrayApp will close just like it's supposed to, but the installer (actually 
Restart Manager) will tell you it failed. If you click OK here, it will proceed 
with uninstallation normally (and successfully, but a normal user won't realize 

There are two independent things that each will prevent triggering this issue:

- Only one (or neither) of the two are running (test by simply not starting 
TrayApp or by stopping the service manually)

- The installer is built without the <UIRef Id="WixUI_FeatureTree" /> tag (!)

In both cases, if the TrayApp is running, Restart Manager will pop up and ask 
to close it, but it will work as expected without issue. If it's not running, 
the installer just does its job with no complaints (well, UAC usually has 
something to say)

So there's something with WixUI that causes Restart Manager to behave badly. 
Can you help me track this down? Alternatively, can you think of a workaround? 
I experimented with util:CloseApplication fruitlessly, and am now out of ideas.

- Mikal
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