
Currently i am trying to create slide show animation during installation. I
have some following queries.

How can i add a billboard control to the standard ProgressDlg ? Where
exactly in the <wix ..> element i have to do this? Which exact element i
have to use?

I have read some forum that "to alter the existing we have to copy the
entire existing .wxs file and rename it. Then we have to inject the new
dialog in the standard sequence.

Is there any way to add new control on the existing standard dialogs. 

P.S : In installshield we were just simply adding the controls directly on
the visible GUI Dialog which later will be automatically get included in the
UI sequence.
In Wix i tried using the <UI> element of WixLocalization schema, but no
positive results.

Could anyone help me on this. 

How can i add bill board control with bitmap on the Progressdlg?

Thanks and Regards,

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