I understand that the built-in Exit Dialog will display after the installer
completes successfully (whether it is an install/modify/repair or remove). I
want to be able to customize the message displayed in the Exit Dialog for
uninstallation. I figured I could use the built-in textbox
(WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALTEXT) to display my 'install completed
successfully' message. 

I use a custom action in Product.wxs file.

<CustomAction Id="SetExitDialogOptText"
Property="WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALTEXT" Value="Thank you for Uninstalling

<Custom Action="SetExitDialogOptText" Before="ExecuteAction"></Custom>

Unfortunately, this would not work. REMOVE~="ALL" is supposed be the
condition for removal (uninstall). Am I missing something here?

As a side note, the custom action works and displays the message in the
'optional text box' is I set the condition to 'NOT Installed'. But of course
this would display the 'uninstall succesfull' message after an installation,
which is not what I want. 

I would appreciate any help with this matter.Thanks

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