Ugh!  My bad, the following statement is NOT true, I just failed when I was
searching through the logs...

"but on a full product uninstall, the 'per feature' properties don't seem
to get evaluated."

so, for my needs, I _think_, this will work... '&MyFeature<>-1 AND

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Tony <> wrote:

> I have an action in the execute sequence that I want to run during full
> install, full uninstall and when 'MyFeature' is being installed or
> uninstalled.
> I thought...
> '&MyFeature<>-1 AND !MyFeature<>&MyFeature'
> ...would work, but on a full product uninstall, the 'per feature'
> properties don't seem to get evaluated.
> Maybe &MyFeature<>-1 OR REMOVE=ALL would be a better option?
> I don't need to support upgrades.  But I do need to support Modify/Change.
> --
> Tony

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