I have noticed recent discussion among the devs about Compression level and
setting the level to -dcl:none for debug and -dcl:high (or some other
setting) for Release builds.  I also read through as many posts about
compression as I could find in the archives and generally on Google.  I have
experimented with using -dcl and also with adding CompressionLevel to the
    <MediaTemplate EmbedCab="no" CabinetTemplate="eds{0}.cab"
CompressionLevel="high" MaximumUncompressedMediaSize="100" />

I did not observe any change in the size of my msi or my external cab file
(between a debug build and a release build, or any other setting).  I am
using wix 3.9.1001, on Windows 7 x64 (and also Win 8.1 x64).  I use burn mba
to install my chain of downloadable mis packages.  Most of the packages are
around 20mb.  This works great (thanks!), but if there is a way to reduce
the size of the downloads I thought it worth investigating.

Any ideas on why I don't see any change in size when I set a higher
compression level?

Thanks for the assistance. Phill

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