
I have used conditional component install this way, which works for me when I 
don't want to install a file in some situations:

<Component Id="someComponent" Guid="{DE943477-4229-45f8-8A02-5300ACCC6A39}">
  <File Id="someFIle" Source="\file_path " KeyPath="yes" ></File>

Can the same be done for a directory? I want a directory created only a 
particular condition.

Or will it suiffice to add the component condition to each of the files under 
the directory like this? Will it create an empty directory if KEY_FOUND does 
not exist?

<Directory Id="my_dir" Name="MyDir">
              <Component Id="comp1 " 
                <File Id="file1" Source="\path_to_file1 " KeyPath="yes" ></File>
              <Component Id="comp2" 
                <File Id="file2" Source="\path_to_file2" KeyPath="yes" ></File>

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