I have just been given a task to update one of our apps .config file and so I
tried what was listed in this topic but I am getting the following error:

Failed to find node:
//configuration/appSettings/add[@key='ServiceInfo'] in XML file: C:\Program
Files (x86)\CompanyName\Product\Product.exe.config, system error:

Here is my code:
<Component Id="EditConfigFile" Guid="" KeyPath="yes">
        <util:XmlConfig Id="SetServiceInfo" Action="create" Node="value"
File="[INSTALLDIR]RemoteInk.exe.config" On="install"
                                Value="[LYNC_SERVER_ADDRESS]" />

Here is what the .config file is supposed to look like after being updated:
    <add key="ServiceInfo" value=LYNC_SERVER_ADDRESS />

So what do I have wrong in the util:XmlConfig element that is causing this
error and what changes do I need to make to get this working?

Thanks for any help.

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