It might be worth looking in the FirewallException CA code, or just testing
it, but perhaps it would accept a comma-separated list of which Zones it
should be active in.
So you might be able to put "domain,public" to get the desired single entry
with both tick boxes set.

I haven't tried this myself, but just throwing out an idea.


>Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 08:52:01 -0700 (PDT)
>From: TimM <>
>Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Testing Wix FirewallException element logging
>Okay I changed the Name entries and it finally worked....
>So this works, but it would have been nice to be able to use the same Name
as we let the app run without the firewall entries and it prompts for
firewall exception then it will create the entry using >the app name and
therefore there is only one.
>This way we have 2 Name entries, one for Domain and one for Private. And if
the app is ran before hand it will create a 3rd entry...
>It would have been nice if the FirewallException CA could have used the
same Name and therefore just created one line in the exception list with
Domain and Private checkbox checked... If you use >the 'all' flag for
Profile then it correctly has one line with all check boxes checked...
>Maybe someone should look at updating that custom action to either allow
same Name or under Profile allow multiple entries so that it all goes under
the same Name entry...
>Anyways thanks Phill as this update will get me going for now.

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