Thanks Sean! However, I don't understand the discrepancy between your
suggestions and what appears to be common practice in third-party sample

My understanding is that a Burn bundle is a set of MSI windows installers
packaged together inside a wrapper that handles the UI and logic. So it
seems to me that you could have a Burn bundle installed but none of its MSI
packages installed. Conversely, you could have the MSI packages in a bundle
installed, but not the bundle*.

So when I write "installed" I mean that the Burn *bundle* is installed, but
not necessarily any of its packages.

However, my model isn't reflected in most of the sample code I've seen,
which checks for the presence or absence of an MSI in the
DetectPackageComplete event.

Actually, I realise now the significant exception to this is the MBA code
in the WiX 3.8 source code! This uses the DetectBegin event and the
Installed parameter, as you suggest. (Does Installed map to

SUMMARY: third-party sample code checks for the status of one of the MSIs
to determine the installed state of the bundle, which seems to be incorrect
to me. The WiX code checks for DetectBegin and Installed, which makes more
sense. Neither uses WixBundleInstalled, though perhaps this is set by
Installed after Detect. Is there any guidance on the recommended approach?

* Delving into the registry seems to support this: the "Uninstall" entry
points to the bundle executable, not the cached MSI in the Package Cache -
as I'd expect. Meanwhile I can see my MSI package in
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installers (with the
"SystemComponent" value set.)
Many thanks,

On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 1:22 AM, Sean Hall <> wrote:

> It depends on what you mean by installed.  The engine will install the
> bundle when it runs Apply.  So if .NET gets installed but your MSI fails,
> your bundle is still considered as installed.
> If you want to know whether your bundle is installed, then you should be
> able to rely on the WixBundleInstalled property.  If you're having problems
> with it, please file a bug at and provide the
> log.  You could also use the fInstalled parameter of the OnDetectBegin
> event.
> Sean
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Alasdair King <
> >wrote:
> > I'm working on a C# Managed Bootstrapper Application. I don't quite
> > understand how my bundle is identified as already-installed or not.
> >
> > Examples I have read simply check the installed state (PackageState) of
> one
> > of the MSI packages - for example,
> >
> >
> > This is then used as the install state of the bundle.
> >
> > I have two problems with this:
> >
> > 1 It isn't correct, is it? What if a user has PackageA.msi installed, but
> > not through my bundle, and my MBA tests for PackageA.msi - this logic
> will
> > identify that the Bundle is installed when it isn't.
> >
> > 2 The WiX help says there is a property:
> > WixBundleInstalled - gets whether the bundle was already installed and
> will
> > be set to 1 once the bundle is installed.
> >
> > So my question is:
> > Why use the MSI package install state rather than "WixBundleInstalled"?
> >
> > (Testing indicates that this property is not in fact set for installed
> > bundles. So is the answer "because WixBundleInstalled doesn't work
> > properly"?)
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Alasdair
> >
> > --
> > Alasdair King
> >
> >
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