When I attempt to build my CustomAction project Visual Studio exits with a
code of 3.

I have tracked the issue to the way wix.ca.targets references the path to
MakeSfxCA.exe.  In wix.ca.targets the following is what creates the path:

    <CreateProperty Value="$(WixToolPath)..\sdk\" Condition="
'$(WixSdkPath)' == '' ">
      <Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="WixSdkPath" />

When VS 2012 uses this path it is interpreted as C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX
ToolSet v3.8\bin..\sdk\MakeSfxCA.exe" and VS apparently doesn't like the
"\bin.." (specifically the '..' to move up one directory).

I can run the task in a command window after removing "\bin.." but I would
like to have this work within VS so that I don't have to go to a command
window to rebuild my project after a change.

Is there something that can be changed so that this executes correctly in
VS or am I doing something wrong when building my project?


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