So you are creating a custom UI?
What Custom Actions are you using?
Have you created your custom actions to return data regarding how much time
they will take to perform?
You need to provide more information than just the UI control code.  You've
mentioned that they show on the UI, this is about all these particular
control blocks are responsible for.
So the problem lies elsewhere.


>Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 16:08:21 +0530
>From: Ravishankar <>
>My installer with 6000+ files(nearly 4500 dll's) and the total registry
entries after i extract using heat.exe is nearly 600,000+ lines.
>I have split the Component.wxs into 6 smaller files
>When running the installer, the progress bar is not properly displayed,
either the time remaining will show "0 seconds" and the progress block will
be maximum or minimum I have included the below >code in Progressdlg.wxs
>/<Control Id="ProgressBar" Type="ProgressBar" X="20" Y="115" Width="330" 
>Height="20" ProgressBlocks="yes" Text="!(loc.ProgressDlgProgressBar)">//
>//          <Subscribe Event="SetProgress" Attribute="Progress" /> //
>//        </Control>//
>//        <Control Id="TimeRemaining" Type="Text" X="20" Y="140" 
>Width="330" Height="15">//
>//          <Subscribe Event="TimeRemaining" Attribute="TimeRemaining" />
>//        </Control>//
>//        <Control Id="InfoText" Type="Text" X="20" Y="160" Width="330" 
>Height="10" NoWrap="yes" >//
>//              <Subscribe Event="ActionData" Attribute="Text" />//
>//            </Control>/
>Please let me know where the issue and what is the resolution
>Thanks and Regards
>Ravi Shankar

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