It might be removed on a reboot.  If you had folder open, then windows 
installer can't uninstall it.  But I think it marks it for removal.  I know for 
sure files have this behaviour but I'm not sure about folders.

-----Original Message-----
From: Suvrajyoti Panda [] 
Sent: December-13-13 1:48 AM
To: General discussion about the WiX toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Uninstall by Installer not removing the path created if 
that path is open on the system

Hi All,

I just saw this behaviour. My installer creates the following :"C:\Energy 
Solutions International\PFWService\config", if this path is open and i run the 
uninstall from control panel, then the path remains("C:\Energy Solutions 
International\PFWService\config") although files under it is removed. Is it 
expected behavior or incorrect. If incorrect what is the workaround for the 


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