When the issue tracker comes back on line (hopefully over the weekend),
please file these as feature requests.

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 7:30 AM, Tobias Erichsen <i...@tobias-erichsen.de>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to propose a couple of improvements for WIX 3.8:
> WIX-specific stuff:
> While developing a type 1 custom-action in standard C, I noticed that
> the include files wcautil.h and dutil.h had some definitions that
> prevented me from creating a dll using just C instead of C++:
> * enums should be typedefed to be available from standard-C
> * extern "C" declarations should always be encapsulated with #ifdef
> __cplusplus
> It was straight-forward to apply those changes, but it would be a pain
> having to redo
> this for each new version of WIX...
> Burn-specific stuff:
> * Currently the Image element in the theme-files does not honor
> transparency.  If I include a png-files with a "rounded" logo
> where the rounding is created by providing transparent pixels, those
> pixels will be rendered black instead.
> * Add support for a Hyperimage element.  It would be really nice to have
> an image on the success-page of the bootstrapper
> that allows to click on it to and launch a webbrowser to follow the link
> specified in the element (like the Hypertext element)
> Best regards,
> Tobias
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