Hi John,

I haven't done anything regarding permissions, although I am writing to it
on a different component and that seems to be working. 
I am not trying to create a AppPool as I am using the default, I am just
trying to change the enable32BitAppOnWin64 from false to true.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Cooper [mailto:jocoo...@jackhenry.com] 
Sent: 28 August 2013 14:19
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Setting a value XmlConfig

1) I assume you have previously obtained permissions to the IIS [7-8]
applicationHost.config file.  Not just anybody can write to it.

2) It looks like you're creating an AppPool the hard way.  One of the things
the IIS Extension does really well is create AppPools.  I would use the IIS
Extension unless there's a compelling reason not to.

3) here's how I use util:XmlConfig:

<util:XmlConfig Id="DeleteErrorSinkSinks" Action="delete"
File="[#FileEnterpriseLoggingConfig]" Node="element" On="install"
Sequence="10" VerifyPath="/logging/categories/error/sinks" />
<util:XmlConfig Id="WriteErrorSink" Action="create"
File="[#FileEnterpriseLoggingConfig]" Node="document" On="install"
Sequence="11" Value="[ERROR_INNERTEXT]" />

John Merryweather Cooper
Build & Install Engineer -- ESA
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.(r)
Shawnee Mission, KS  66227
Office:  913-341-3434 x791011

-----Original Message-----
From: Natalie Carr [mailto:natalie.c...@measuresoft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 5:16 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Setting a value XmlConfig

Hi I am trying to change a value setting in a config file using the

    <Component Id="Enable32BitAppPoolComponent" Guid="*"


        <util:XmlConfig Id="Enable32BitAppPool" Node="value"



                      Value="true" On="install"/>


This code does not change the value in the applicationHost.config file. I
tried adding the action="create" but I then got the error during the setup
that it could not open the XML file. What am I doing wrong?


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