You have a couple of options:

Firstly, there's the MSI Cleanup Utility

This is an old tool which I thought had been retired, but it's come in very
handy. Note that this will not perform any uninstall operations or any MSI
logic at all. It basically hunts round the MSI registry for evidence of
your install and removes it. Any of your own registry entries or files will
not be removed.

But it's good for cleaning up a broken install.

Secondly, there's it's younger sibling, in the form of a FixIt

This will scan for installs it thinks have problems, ask you a few
questions, then do pretty much the same as the cleanup utility above,
though it's supposed to do a more intelligent job.

Thirdly, you can find the appropriate MSI in the c:\windows\installer
cache, remove the offending action from the sequence using orca.exe and
then try to uninstall it again.

Lastly, I know some people who swear by CCleaner for this kind of thing:

Hope one of those suggestions helps.


On 28 August 2013 10:13, Simon Gerhold <> wrote:

> I created a setup project with Wix Toolset, which does something like this:
>   *   install (into ProgramFiles/MyApp, Desktop shortcut, StartMenu,...)
>   *   create a folder ProgramFiles/MyApp/InstallFolder
>   *   create some files in the folder ProgramFiles/MyApp/InstallFolder
>   *   run a powershell script, which installs some COM+ components
> In the ProgramFiles/MyApp/InstallFolder is also a powershell script, which
> removes my COM+ applications (regsvcs /u). This script is executed as a
> custom action on uninstall. But here I made a mistake - the custom action
> had the attribute After="RemoveFiles" (it should of course be
> Before="RemoveFiles"). Now when I try to uninstall on my application, the
> uninstall process terminates with the exception "There is a problem with
> this Windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not
> finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.". The
> same exception occurs if I try to install/repair/change my application...
> Is there any possibility to uninstall my application without the last
> (faulty) custom action? Or to 'overinstall' it somehow?
> Simon
> Simon Gerhold, razvojni inženir / Development Engineer
> Cetis d.d., Čopova 24, 3000 Celje, Slovenia - EU, T: +386 3 4278 785, F: +386
> 3 4278 651,<>
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