Your patch wix looks similar to mine but we use @MinorUpdateTargetRTM="yes" on the patch element as that is what you are doing it may be worth a go.
-----Original Message----- From: Joe Flynn [] Sent: 22 May 2013 20:01 To: Subject: [WiX-users] Creating multiple Minor Updates Hi All, I have created a product MSI which is versioned 6.100.0 . I have then successfully created a minor update which installs as 6.100.1. Below is the patch.wxs file I use to accomplish this: ============================ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Wix xmlns=""> <Patch AllowRemoval="yes" Classification="Update" Comments="Patch for MyProduct 6.100.1" Description="Update for MyProduct 6.100.1" DisplayName="MyProduct 6.100.1 Software Patch" Manufacturer="MyCompany" MoreInfoURL=""> <Media Id="1000" Cabinet=""> <PatchBaseline Id="SEGPatch" /> </Media> <PatchFamily Id="SEGPatchFamily" Version="6.100.1" ProductCode="604F30E1-35F2-4E34-AA21-3E83CDE863E1" Supersede="yes"> <ComponentRef Id="CMP_ProjectElements.Forms.dll" /> </PatchFamily> </Patch> </Wix> ============================== Everything is updated as expected when I apply this patch (MSP). I now want to create a second patch, containing an additional file. This will be version 6.100.2, and I plan on making this cumulative, so that one could apply 6.100.2 and get the content of 6.100.1 as well. Below is the patch.wxs file for my 6.100.2 update: ============================== <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Wix xmlns=""> <Patch AllowRemoval="yes" Classification="Update" Comments="Patch for MyProduct 6.100.2" Description="Update for MyProduct 6.100.2" DisplayName="MyProduct 6.100.2 Software Patch" Manufacturer="MyCompany" MoreInfoURL=""> <Media Id="1001" Cabinet=""> <PatchBaseline Id="SEGPatch" /> </Media> <PatchFamily Id="SEGPatchFamily" Version="6.100.2" ProductCode="604F30E1-35F2-4E34-AA21-3E83CDE863E1" Supersede="yes"> <ComponentRef Id="CMP_ProjectElements.dll" /> <ComponentRef Id="CMP_ProjectElements.Forms.dll" /> </PatchFamily> </Patch> </Wix> ============================== The patch builds as expected, and will apply to 6.100.0 without issue. The problem arises when I attempt to go from 6.100.1 -> 6.100.2. I get the below error in my MSI.LOG file, and the patch is not applied: ============================== MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:067]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Public\Hotfix\EG\eguide_2.msp has a digital signature MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:070]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: C:\Public\Hotfix\EG\eguide_2.msp is permitted to run at the 'unrestricted' authorization level. MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:070]: SequencePatches starts. Product code: {604F30E1-35F2-4E34-AA21-3E83CDE863E1}, Product version:, Upgrade code: {7D1500B3-D638-4213-9772-894096C84768}, Product language 1033 MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Full optimizations are not possible in the patch sequencer because new patch[es] had been added in the current transaction. MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Applicability checks need to be performed in this transaction because new, 3.0 minor update patch[es] have been provided. MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: PATCH SEQUENCER: verifying the applicability of minor upgrade patch {B7C830A9-E120-48ED-BCC2-00C8989A5993} against product code: {604F30E1-35F2-4E34-AA21-3E83CDE863E1}, product version:, product language 1033 and upgrade code: {7D1500B3-D638-4213-9772-894096C84768} MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Validating transform 'SEGPatch.1' with validation bits 0x922 MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Transform 'SEGPatch.1' is valid. MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Note: 1: 2262 2: _Tables 3: -2147287038 MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Note: 1: 2262 2: _Columns 3: -2147287038 MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: PATCH SEQUENCER: minor upgrade patch {B7C830A9-E120-48ED-BCC2-00C8989A5993} is applicable. MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: PATCH SEQUENCER: verifying the applicability of minor upgrade patch C:\Public\Hotfix\EG\eguide_2.msp against product code: {604F30E1-35F2-4E34-AA21-3E83CDE863E1}, product version:, product language 1033 and upgrade code: {7D1500B3-D638-4213-9772-894096C84768} MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Validating transform 'SEGPatch.1' with validation bits 0x922 MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Note: 1: 2749 2: SEGPatch.1 3: C:\Public\Hotfix\EG\eguide_2.msp 4: 5: MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: 1: 2749 2: SEGPatch.1 3: C:\Public\Hotfix\EG\eguide_2.msp 4: 5: MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: PATCH SEQUENCER: minor upgrade patch C:\Public\Hotfix\EG\eguide_2.msp is not applicable. MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: The #_QFESequence table with patches sorted on Sequence within Patch Families: MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: PatchGUID: {B7C830A9-E120-48ED-BCC2-00C8989A5993} PatchFamily: SEGPatchFamily Sequence: 6.100.1 SequenceOrder: 0 Type: minor upgrade MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: PATCH SEQUENCER: minor upgrade patch {B7C830A9-E120-48ED-BCC2-00C8989A5993} cannot be superseded because there is no supersedence defined in SEGPatchFamily family yet for this type MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: PATCH SEQUENCER: minor upgrade patch {B7C830A9-E120-48ED-BCC2-00C8989A5993} will attempt to supersede in SEGPatchFamily family, starting from sequence 6.100.1 MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: SequencePatches returns success. MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Final Patch Application Order: MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: {B7C830A9-E120-48ED-BCC2-00C8989A5993} - MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Other Patches: MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:071]: Unknown\Absent: {34353211-73FE-4960-9F31-FBEF2451A3AD} - C:\Public\Hotfix\EG\eguide_2.msp The upgrade cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade. C:\Windows\Installer\19b159c8.msi MSI (c) (60:50) [11:22:56:072]: Product: MyProduct 6.1 (64-bit) - Update '{34353211-73FE-4960-9F31-FBEF2451A3AD}' could not be installed. Error code 1642. Additional information is available in the log file C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\MSI5f8b0.LOG. ================================ When building these patches, I am building both using 6.100.0 as my base version, but I thought the Supersede="yes" attribute on the PatchFamily element would let me apply the 6.100.2 patch directly on top of the 6.100.1 patch, however this is not the case. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I am currently using WIX 3.5 to accomplish all of this. Thanks, Joe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Try New Relic Now & We'll Send You this Cool Shirt New Relic is the only SaaS-based application performance monitoring service that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your browser, app, & servers with just a few lines of code. 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